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Sigma KEE - total

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation total EnglishLanguage "A binaryPredicate which relates a class of Quantities to their sum.") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4537-4538
(domain total 1 Class) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4531-4531 The number 1 argument of total is an instance of class
(domain total 2 Quantity) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4533-4533 The number 2 argument of total is an instance of quantity
(instance total BinaryPredicate) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4529-4529 total is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage total "total 价值在 %1 是 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4794-4794
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage total "total 價值在 %1 是 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4793-4793
(format EnglishLanguage total "the total of values in %1 is %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4792-4792
(termFormat EnglishLanguage total "total") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4535-4535


        (total ?CLASS ?QUANTITY)
        (instance ?ITEM ?CLASS))
    (instance ?ITEM Quantity))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4540-4544


        (instance ?AUCTIONS Collection)
        (forall (?AUC)
                (member ?AUC ?AUCTIONS)
                (instance ?AUC Auctioning))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                    (transactionAmount ?AUC ?AMOUNT)) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT)
                (AuctionGMBFn ?AUCTIONS) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3202-3215
        (instance ?PURCHASES Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?PURCHASES)
                (instance ?MEMBER Buying)))
        (exists (?REGION)
                (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea)
                (forall (?BUYER ?BUYING)
                            (instance ?BUYER AutonomousAgent)
                            (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                            (member ?BUYING ?PURCHASES)
                            (agent ?BUYING ?BUYER))
                        (located ?BUYER ?REGION))))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                        (instance ?PURCHASE Buying)
                        (member ?PURCHASE ?PURCHASES)
                        (transactionAmount ?PURCHASE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT)
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2956-2983
        (instance ?SALES Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?SALES)
                (instance ?MEMBER Selling)))
        (exists (?REGION)
                (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea)
                (forall (?SELLER ?SELLING)
                            (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent)
                            (instance ?SELLING Buying)
                            (member ?SELLING ?SALES)
                            (agent ?SELLING ?SELLER))
                        (located ?SELLER ?REGION))))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                        (instance ?SALE Selling)
                        (member ?SALE ?SALES)
                        (transactionAmount ?SALE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT)
                (GMVFn ?SALES) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2999-3026

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