(birthdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
(instance ?Y1
(YearFn -6))
(instance ?Y2
(YearFn 4)))
(temporalPart ?DAY
(BeginFn ?Y1)
(EndFn ?Y2)))) |
Media.kif 1936-1941 |
(deathdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
(instance ?Y1
(YearFn 29))
(instance ?Y2
(YearFn 36)))
(temporalPart ?DAY
(BeginFn ?Y1)
(EndFn ?Y2)))) |
Media.kif 1943-1948 |
(instance ?T1
(YearFn 26))
(instance ?T2
(YearFn 100)))
(WhenFn TwelveApostles)
(BeginFn ?T1)
(EndFn ?T2)))) |
Media.kif 1959-1963 |
(instance ?TIME TimePoint)
(holdsDuring ?TIME
(age ?OBJ ?DURATION)))
(WhenFn ?OBJ)) ?TIME) ?DURATION)) |
Merge.kif 7525-7529 |
(instance ?X BreakingRecord)
(agent ?X ?A1))
(exists (?AC ?PC ?P1 ?TP ?ROLE ?L ?Q)
(instance ?AC Set)
(element ?A1 ?AC)
(subclass ?PC Process)
(instance ?L Region)
(instance ?TP TimePoint)
(instance ?Q Quantity)
(instance ?P1 ?PC)
(refers ?X ?Q)
(refers ?Q ?P1)
(playsRoleInEvent ?A1 ?ROLE ?P1)
(eventLocated ?P1 ?L)
(exists (?A2 ?P2)
(instance ?A2 ?AC)
(equal ?A2 ?A1))
(instance ?P2 ?PC)
(TimeIntervalFn ?TP
(WhenFn ?X)))
(playsRoleInEvent ?A2 ?ROLE ?P2)
(eventLocated ?P2 ?L))))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30054-30084 |
- If a process is an instance of breaking record and an agent is an agent of the process,
- then there exist a set, a class,, , another process,, , a time point,, , a case role,, , an object and an entity such that the set is an instance of set and the agent is an element of the set and the class is a subclass of process and the object is an instance of region and the time point is an instance of time point and the entity is an instance of quantity and the other process is an instance of the class and the process includes a reference to the entity and the entity includes a reference to the other process and the agent plays role in event the case role for the other process and the other process is located at the object and there don't exist another entity and a third entity such that the other entity is an instance of the set and the other entity is not equal to the agent and the third entity is an instance of the class and the other entity plays role in event the case role for the third entity and the third entity is located at the object holds during interval between the time point and the end of the time of existence of the process
(reservationStart ?TIME1 ?R)
(reservationEnd ?TIME2 ?R)
(reservingEntity ?CUST ?R)
(fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?R))
(TimeIntervalFn ?TIME1 ?TIME2)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?P IntentionalProcess)
(agent ?P ?AGENT)
(destination ?P ?CUST)))) Likely)) |
Dining.kif 711-724 |
(reservedRoom ?RESERVE ?ROOMTYPE)
(reservationStart ?RESERVE ?TIME1)
(reservationEnd ?RESERVE ?TIME2)
(reservingEntity ?RESERVE ?CUST))
(TimeIntervalFn ?TIME1 ?TIME2)
(exists (?X)
(instance ?X ?ROOMTYPE)
(stays ?CUST ?X)))) Likely)) |
Hotel.kif 2951-2963 |
(instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
(FutureFn ?INTERVAL)
(EndFn ?INTERVAL) PositiveInfinity))) |
Merge.kif 8557-8559 |
(instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
(TimeIntervalFn NegativeInfinity
(BeginFn ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 8526-8528 |
(instance ?TIME LunchTime)
(exists (?ELEVEN ?THREE ?DAY)
(during ?TIME
(BeginFn ?ELEVEN)
(EndFn ?THREE)))
(instance ?ELEVEN
(HourFn 11 ?DAY))
(instance ?THREE
(HourFn 15 ?DAY))))) |
Food.kif 1867-1876 |
(measuringListDuration ?LIST ?DURATION)
(exists (?T)
(equal ?T
(FirstFn ?LIST)))
(LastFn ?LIST)))))
(duration ?T ?DURATION)))) |
Weather.kif 1861-1869 |