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Sigma KEE - NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage
NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage(napoletano calabrese language)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage is an ItaloDalmatianLanguage of Italy. SIL code: NPL. ISO 639-2: roa. Population: 7,047,399 (1976). Region: Campania and Calabria provinces, southern Italy. Alternate names: NEAPOLITAN-CALABRESE. Dialects: NAPOLETANO (NEAPOLITAN, TIRRENIC), NORTHERN CALABRESE-LUCANO (LUCANIAN, BASILICATAN). Comments: Limited inherent intelligibility with Standard Italian. Neapolitan and Calabrese are reported to be very different from each other. Southern Calabrian is reported to be a dialect of Sicilian. Bilingualism in Italian. Vigorous. Not endangered. A large literature. It might be in Southern Romance instead of Italo-Western. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Neapolitan, Southern Calabrian with Sicilian. Bible portions 1861-1862.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9589-9599
(instance NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage ItaloDalmatianRomanceLanguage) Languages.kif 9588-9588 Napoletano calabrese language is an instance of italo dalmatian romance language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage "napoletano calabrese 语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39707-39707
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage "napoletano calabrese 語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39706-39706
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NapoletanoCalabreseLanguage "napoletano calabrese language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 39705-39705

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