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Sigma KEE - Certificate
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AA, AAS, AB, ABLS, AM, AMusD, AN, Articles_of_Confederation, Artium_Baccalaurens, Artium_Magister, Associate_in_Applied_Science, Associate_in_Arts, Associate_in_Nursing, BA, BAN, BD, BLitt, BMus, BNS, BS, BSArch, Bachelor_of_Arts, Bachelor_of_Arts_in_Library_Science, Bachelor_of_Arts_in_Nursing, Bachelor_of_Divinity, Bachelor_of_Laws, Bachelor_of_Literature, Bachelor_of_Medicine, Bachelor_of_Music, Bachelor_of_Naval_Science, Bachelor_of_Science, Bachelor_of_Science_in_Architecture, Bachelor_of_Science_in_Engineering, Bachelor_of_Theology, Constitution, Constitution_of_the_United_States, DD, DDS, DEd, DMD, DMus, DO, DPH, DPhil, Declaration_of_Independence, Doctor_of_Dental_Medicine, Doctor_of_Dental_Surgery, Doctor_of_Divinity, Doctor_of_Education, Doctor_of_Medicine...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Certificate ChineseLanguage "这是一篇赋予持有 Certificate 者权利或义务的 Text。注:所涉及的权利或义务不需要是有法律根据的,就以学术文凭为例,它能在专业圈授予某种特权。") chinese_format.kif 3570-3571
(documentation Certificate EnglishLanguage "A Text that confers a right or obligation on the holder of the Certificate. Note that the right or obligation need not be a legal one, as in the case of an academic diploma that grants certain privileges in the professional world.") Merge.kif 15680-15683
(externalImage Certificate " 0/ 07/ Marriage_certificate.png") pictureList.kif 2770-2770
(externalImage Certificate " 2/ 25/ Ca_dp_certificate.jpg") pictureList.kif 2774-2774
(externalImage Certificate " 5/ 51/ Load_Line_Certificate.jpg") pictureList.kif 2773-2773
(externalImage Certificate " c/ cf/ Cold_War_certificate_sample.jpg") pictureList.kif 2771-2771
(externalImage Certificate " SheepskinDiploma.jpg") pictureList.kif 2652-2652
(subclass Certificate Text) Merge.kif 15679-15679 Certificate is a subclass of text

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AcademicDegree Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16537-16537 Academic degree is a subclass of certificate
(subclass BirthCertificate Certificate) Biography.kif 236-236 Birth certificate is a subclass of certificate
(subclass DeathCertificate Certificate) Biography.kif 266-266 DeathCertificate is a subclass of certificate
(subclass FinancialInstrument Certificate) Merge.kif 15692-15692 Financial instrument is a subclass of certificate
(subclass InsurancePolicy Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16923-16923 Insurance policy is a subclass of certificate
(subclass License Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16551-16551 License is a subclass of certificate
(subclass MarriageCertificate Certificate) Biography.kif 298-298 MarriageCertificate is a subclass of certificate
(subclass PassCertificate Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16604-16604 Pass certificate is a subclass of certificate
(subclass Patent Certificate) Merge.kif 15705-15705 Patent is a subclass of certificate
(subclass Testament Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16618-16618 Testament is a subclass of certificate
(subclass Ticket Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16564-16564 Ticket is a subclass of certificate
(subclass VaccinationCard Certificate) Medicine.kif 3103-3103 VaccinationCard is a subclass of certificate
(subclass VehicleRegistration Certificate) Transportation.kif 3153-3153 Vehicle registration is a subclass of certificate
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Certificate "证书") chinese_format.kif 1045-1045
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Certificate "certificate") english_format.kif 1301-1301
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Certificate "certificat") french_format.kif 723-723
(termFormat Hindi Certificate "pramaanpatra") terms-hindi.txt 254-254
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Certificate "Certificato") terms-it.txt 257-257
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Certificate "証明書") japanese_format.kif 2407-2407
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Certificate "Certificado") portuguese_format.kif 675-675
(termFormat cb Certificate "sertipiko") terms-cb.txt 259-259
(termFormat cz Certificate "certificate") terms-cz.txt 293-293
(termFormat ro Certificate "certificat") relations-ro.kif 744-744
(termFormat tg Certificate "katibayan") terms-tg.txt 258-258

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain issuedBy 1 Certificate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16524-16524 The number 1 argument of issued by is an instance of certificate
(domain signedBy 1 Certificate) FinancialOntology.kif 277-277 The number 1 argument of signed by is an instance of certificate


    (instance ?DOC Certificate)
    (exists (?PROP ?NORM)
            (confersNorm ?DOC ?PROP ?NORM)
            (deprivesNorm ?DOC ?PROP ?NORM))))
Merge.kif 15685-15690

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