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Sigma KEE - AnimacyAttribute
AnimacyAttribute(animacy attribute)breathless, cold, deathlike, deathly, inanimate, pulseless

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AnimacyAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是表示一个 Organism 是否活着的 Attribute。") chinese_format.kif 4013-4014
(documentation AnimacyAttribute EnglishLanguage "Attributes that indicate whether an Organism is alive or not.") Merge.kif 18158-18159
(exhaustiveAttribute AnimacyAttribute Living Dead) Merge.kif 18157-18157 Living are all the attributes of animacy attribute
(subclass AnimacyAttribute BiologicalAttribute) Merge.kif 18156-18156 Animacy attribute is a subclass of biological attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Dead AnimacyAttribute) Merge.kif 18170-18170 Dead is an instance of animacy attribute
(instance Living AnimacyAttribute) Merge.kif 18160-18160 Living is an instance of animacy attribute
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AnimacyAttribute "生命度属性") chinese_format.kif 1258-1258
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AnimacyAttribute "animacy attribute") english_format.kif 1737-1737
(termFormat FrenchLanguage AnimacyAttribute "attribute de vie") french_format.kif 936-936
(termFormat Hindi AnimacyAttribute "") terms-hindi.txt 472-472
(termFormat ItalianLanguage AnimacyAttribute "AttributoVitale") terms-it.txt 475-475
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage AnimacyAttribute "有生性属性") japanese_format.kif 2620-2620
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage AnimacyAttribute "Atributo de Animacao") portuguese_format.kif 888-888
(termFormat cz AnimacyAttribute "animacy attribute") terms-cz.txt 511-511
(termFormat ro AnimacyAttribute "atribut vital") relations-ro.kif 957-957
(termFormat tg AnimacyAttribute "katangian ng pagpasigla") terms-tg.txt 476-476


    (instance ?ORG Organism)
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR AnimacyAttribute)
            (attribute ?ORG ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 18176-18181

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