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Sigma KEE - UplandArea

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation UplandArea EnglishLanguage "An UplandArea is a LandArea elevated above the surrounding terrain.") Geography.kif 3981-3982
(subclass UplandArea LandForm) Geography.kif 3980-3980 子類 高地地區 and 土地形式

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Butte UplandArea) Geography.kif 4171-4171 子類 孤山 and 高地地區
(subclass Hill UplandArea) Geography.kif 4044-4044 子類 爬坡道 and 高地地區
(subclass Mesa UplandArea) Geography.kif 4155-4155 子類 檯面 and 高地地區
(subclass Mountain UplandArea) Geography.kif 4027-4027 子類 and 高地地區
(subclass MountainRange UplandArea) Geography.kif 4013-4013 子類 山脈 and 高地地區
(subclass Plateau UplandArea) Geography.kif 4136-4136 子類 高原 and 高地地區
(subclass WatershedDivide UplandArea) Geography.kif 4093-4093 子類 分水嶺 and 高地地區
(termFormat ChineseLanguage UplandArea "高地地区") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60622-60622
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage UplandArea "高地地區") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60621-60621
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UplandArea "upland area") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60620-60620


    (attribute ?AREA MountainousTerrain)
    (instance ?AREA UplandArea))
Geography.kif 1797-1799

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