Stairway(樓梯) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Stairway EnglishLanguage "A StationaryArtifact which allows one to climb, step by step, from one level to another.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 15091-15092 | |
(externalImage Stairway " f3/ AtomiumStairwayInside.JPG") | pictureList.kif 4826-4826 | |
(subclass Stairway StationaryArtifact) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 15090-15090 | 子類 樓梯 and StationaryArtifact |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Stairway "楼梯") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 54974-54974 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Stairway "樓梯") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 54973-54973 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Stairway "stairway") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 54972-54972 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?S Stairway) (part ?S ?B) (instance ?B Building)) (hasPurpose ?S (exists (?L1 ?L2) (and (instance ?L1 BuildingLevel) (instance ?L2 BuildingLevel) (part ?L1 ?B) (part ?L2 ?B) (connects ?S ?L1 ?L2))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15100-15112 | |
(=> (instance ?S Stairway) (and (capability MotionUpward instrument ?S) (capability MotionDownward instrument ?S))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15094-15098 |