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Sigma KEE - Scientist

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Scientist EnglishLanguage "A person with advanced knowledge of one or more Sciences.") Biography.kif 347-347
(instance Scientist Profession) Biography.kif 346-346 Scientist and 職業

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute Actuary Scientist) Biography.kif 353-353 子屬性 精算師 and Scientist
(subAttribute Anthropologist Scientist) Biography.kif 362-362 子屬性 人類學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Archeologist Scientist) Biography.kif 370-370 子屬性 考古學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Astronomer Scientist) Biography.kif 385-385 子屬性 天文學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Biologist Scientist) Biography.kif 393-393 子屬性 生物學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Botanist Scientist) Biography.kif 614-614 子屬性 植物學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Chemist Scientist) Biography.kif 401-401 子屬性 化學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute ComputerScientist Scientist) Biography.kif 409-409 子屬性 電腦科學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Economist Scientist) Biography.kif 417-417 子屬性 Economist and Scientist
(subAttribute Geographer Scientist) Biography.kif 468-468 子屬性 Geographer and Scientist
(subAttribute Geologist Scientist) Biography.kif 476-476 子屬性 Geologist and Scientist
(subAttribute Librarian Scientist) Biography.kif 561-561 子屬性 Librarian and Scientist
(subAttribute Linguist Scientist) Biography.kif 491-491 子屬性 Linguist and Scientist
(subAttribute MedicalResearcher Scientist) Biography.kif 506-506 子屬性 MedicalResearcher and Scientist
(subAttribute Paleontologist Scientist) Biography.kif 516-516 子屬性 古生物學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute Physicist Scientist) Biography.kif 545-545 子屬性 物理學家 and Scientist
(subAttribute PoliticalScientist Scientist) Biography.kif 553-553 子屬性 PoliticalScientist and Scientist
(subAttribute Psychologist Scientist) Biography.kif 531-531 子屬性 Psychologist and Scientist
(subAttribute Sociologist Scientist) Biography.kif 576-576 子屬性 Sociologist and Scientist
(subAttribute Veterinarian Scientist) Biography.kif 598-598 子屬性 Veterinarian and Scientist
(subAttribute Zoologist Scientist) Biography.kif 606-606 子屬性 Zoologist and Scientist
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Scientist "scientist") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65450-65450


    (attribute ?PERSON Scientist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Science))
Biography.kif 348-350

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