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Sigma KEE - PPPBasedEconomicValuation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PPPBasedEconomicValuation EnglishLanguage "PPPBasedEconomicValuation is a class of relations used to state international economic information in U.S. dollar amounts. The U.S. dollar amounts are derived from Purchasing Power Parity conversions of economic totals (e.g., GDP) given in local currency. This contrasts with a method of conversion based on currency exchange rates. The PPP method is used by the CIA World Fact Book for the purpose of presenting economic data for all countries covered. Their basis for PPP dollar price weights is the UN International Comparison Program (UNICP) and the work of Professors Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania.") Economy.kif 967-976
(subclass PPPBasedEconomicValuation Relation) Economy.kif 965-965 子類 基於PPP的經濟估值 and Relation

appearance as argument number 2

(instance perCapitaGDP PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 1032-1032 人均GDP and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance perCapitaGDPInPeriod PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 1019-1019 人均國內生產總值 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance realGrowthRateOfGDP PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 996-996 GDP的實際增長率 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance realGrowthRateOfGDPInPeriod PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 983-983 期間實際GDP增長率 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance sectorCompositionOfGDP PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 1071-1071 行業組成的GDP and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance sectorCompositionOfGDPInPeriod PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 1054-1054 期間GDP的部門構成 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance sectorValueOfGDP PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 1117-1117 GDP的行業價值 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 1093-1093 期間GDP的部門價值 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance totalGDP PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 947-947 總GDP and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(instance totalGDPInPeriod PPPBasedEconomicValuation) Economy.kif 934-934 期間的國內生產GDP總值 and 基於PPP的經濟估值
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PPPBasedEconomicValuation "基于PPP的经济估值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47074-47074
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PPPBasedEconomicValuation "基於PPP的經濟估值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47073-47073
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PPPBasedEconomicValuation "PPP based economic valuation") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47072-47072

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