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Sigma KEE - CommutativeFunction

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CommutativeFunction ChineseLanguage "一个 BinaryFunction 属于可交换的如果 参数的顺序不影响函数所交出的值,更确切的说,对于所有的?INST1 和 ?INST2,Function ?FUNCTION 是可交换的,以防(?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) 和 (?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1)相同。") chinese_format.kif 2004-2006
(documentation CommutativeFunction EnglishLanguage "A BinaryFunction is commutative if the ordering of the arguments of the function has no effect on the value returned by the function. More precisely, a function ?FUNCTION is commutative just in case (?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) is equal to (?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1), for all ?INST1 and ?INST2.") Merge.kif 3433-3437
(documentation CommutativeFunction JapaneseLanguage "BinaryFunction は、関数の引数の順序が 関数によって返される値に影響を与える場合に可換になる。より正確には、関数 ?FUNCTION は、すべての ?INST1 および ?INST2 に対して(?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) が (?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1) に等しい 場合に可換する。") japanese_format.kif 641-644
(externalImage CommutativeFunction " commons/ d/ da/ Commutative_Word_Origin.PNG") pictureList.kif 8430-8430
(subclass CommutativeFunction BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 3431-3431 子類 CommutativeFunction and BinaryFunction

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage CommutativeFunction "%1 和 %2 的 commutative 功能") domainEnglishFormat.kif 496-496
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage CommutativeFunction "%1 和 %2 的 commutative 功能") domainEnglishFormat.kif 495-495
(format EnglishLanguage CommutativeFunction "the commutative function of %1 and %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 494-494
(instance AdditionFn CommutativeFunction) Merge.kif 4710-4710 加成 and CommutativeFunction
(instance MaxFn CommutativeFunction) Merge.kif 4985-4985 最大 and CommutativeFunction
(instance MinFn CommutativeFunction) Merge.kif 5011-5011 and CommutativeFunction
(instance MultiplicationFn CommutativeFunction) Merge.kif 4697-4697 乘法 and CommutativeFunction
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CommutativeFunction "交换函数") chinese_format.kif 922-922
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CommutativeFunction "commutative function") english_format.kif 1051-1051
(termFormat FrenchLanguage CommutativeFunction "function commutative") french_format.kif 598-598
(termFormat Hindi CommutativeFunction "vinimaya-sambandhI prakaarya") terms-hindi.txt 128-128
(termFormat ItalianLanguage CommutativeFunction "FunzioneCommutativa") terms-it.txt 131-131
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage CommutativeFunction "可換関数") japanese_format.kif 2283-2283
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage CommutativeFunction "Funcao Commutativa") portuguese_format.kif 550-550
(termFormat cz CommutativeFunction "commutative function") terms-cz.txt 165-165
(termFormat ro CommutativeFunction "funcþie comutativã") relations-ro.kif 619-619
(termFormat tg CommutativeFunction "pagpapalit ng tungkulin") terms-tg.txt 132-132


    (instance ?FUNCTION CommutativeFunction)
    (forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?CLASS)
                (domain ?FUNCTION 1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST2 ?CLASS))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2)
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1)))))
Merge.kif 3439-3449

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