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Sigma KEE - CerealGrain
CerealGrain(cereal grain)
buckwheat, bulghur, bulgur, bulgur_wheat, cereal, feed_grain, food_grain, grain, grist, groats, kernel

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CerealGrain EnglishLanguage "Any Seed which is produced by the cereal grasses, e.g. rice, corn, wheat, etc.") Economy.kif 4028-4029
(externalImage CerealGrain " e/ e7/ Brown_rice.jpg") pictureList.kif 890-890
(subclass CerealGrain Grain) Economy.kif 4027-4027 Cereal grain is a subclass of grain
(subclass CerealGrain Seed) Economy.kif 4026-4026 Cereal grain is a subclass of seed

appearance as argument number 2

(industryProductType CerealGrainFarming CerealGrain) Economy.kif 6156-6156 Cereal grain is an industry product type of cereal grain farming
(subclass BarleyGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4126-4126 Barley grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass MaizeGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4043-4043 Maize grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass MilletGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4142-4142 Millet grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass OatGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4121-4121 Oat grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass RiceGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4047-4047 Rice grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass RyeGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4132-4132 Rye grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass SorghumGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4137-4137 Sorghum grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(subclass WheatGrain CerealGrain) Economy.kif 4051-4051 Wheat grain is a subclass of cereal grain
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CerealGrain "谷物") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13938-13938
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CerealGrain "穀物") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13937-13937
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CerealGrain "cereal grain") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13936-13936


        (equal ?M
            (OrganicObjectFn ?G))
        (subclass ?M Malt)
        (subclass ?G CerealGrain))
    (initialPart ?G CerealGrass))
Economy.kif 4166-4172
    (instance ?X
        (DeadFn CerealGrain))
    (exists (?CLASS)
            (instance ?X ?CLASS)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (FoodForFn Animal)))))
Economy.kif 4035-4040


    (instance ?F Flour)
    (exists (?P ?C)
            (instance ?P Grinding)
            (patient ?P ?C)
            (instance ?C CerealGrain)
            (result ?P ?F))))
Food.kif 1476-1483
    (instance ?V Vodka)
    (exists (?D ?CG)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?CG CerealGrain)
            (resource ?D ?CG)
            (result ?D ?V))))
Food.kif 3595-3602
    (instance ?W Whiskey)
    (exists (?D ?CG)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?CG CerealGrain)
            (resource ?D ?CG)
            (result ?D ?W))))
Food.kif 3608-3615

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