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Sigma KEE - EngineCoolingSystem
EngineCoolingSystem(engine cooling system)cooling_system, engine_cooling_system

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EngineCoolingSystem EnglishLanguage "A system designed to keep the engine cool (and therefore prevent it from seizing), that may also heat the passenger compartment as a byproduct.") Cars.kif 2120-2122
(subclass EngineCoolingSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 2118-2118 Engine cooling system is a subclass of physical system
(typicallyContainsPart EngineCoolingSystem Pump) Cars.kif 2123-2123 A pump typically has a part engine cooling system

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AirEngineCoolingSystem EngineCoolingSystem) Cars.kif 2159-2159 Air cooling system is a subclass of engine cooling system
(subclass LiquidEngineCoolingSystem EngineCoolingSystem) Cars.kif 2139-2139 Water cooling system is a subclass of engine cooling system
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EngineCoolingSystem "engine cooling system") Cars.kif 2119-2119
(typicalPart EngineWaterPump EngineCoolingSystem) Cars.kif 2768-2768 A engine water pump is typically a part of a engine cooling system
(typicallyContainsPart EngineWaterPump EngineCoolingSystem) Cars.kif 2769-2769 A engine cooling system typically has a part engine water pump


        (instance ?ECS EngineCoolingSystem)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (part ?ECS ?A)
        (part ?E ?A))
    (hasPurpose ?ECS
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C Cooling)
                (instrument ?C ?ECS)
                (patient ?C ?E)))))
Cars.kif 2125-2137

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