paidRoomAmenity |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation paidRoomAmenity EnglishLanguage "(paidRoomAmenity ?ROOM ?PHYS) means that there is a fee associated with the use of an object or the rendering of a service") | Hotel.kif 384-386 | |
(domainSubclass paidRoomAmenity 1 HotelUnit) | Hotel.kif 382-382 | |
(domainSubclass paidRoomAmenity 2 Physical) | Hotel.kif 383-383 | |
(instance paidRoomAmenity BinaryPredicate) | Hotel.kif 381-381 | |
(subrelation paidRoomAmenity roomAmenity) | Hotel.kif 380-380 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage paidRoomAmenity "%1 的 承租人 能 pay 去使用 %2 ") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 4070-4070 | |
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage paidRoomAmenity "%1 的 承租人 能 pay 去使用 %2 ") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 4069-4069 | |
(format EnglishLanguage paidRoomAmenity "renters of %1 can pay to use %2") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 4068-4068 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage paidRoomAmenity "paid room amenity") | Hotel.kif 387-387 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (paidRoomAmenity ?ROOM ?OBJ) (subclass ?OBJ Object) (instance ?R ?ROOM) (stays ?GUEST ?R) (element ?R (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (instance ?O ?OBJ) (located ?O ?R) (instance ?P Process) (agent ?P ?GUEST) (or (located ?P ?R) (patient ?P ?O) (instrument ?P ?O) (resource ?P ?O))) (exists (?PRICE ?U) (and (price ?O (MeasureFn ?PRICE ?U) ?GUEST) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (greaterThan ?PRICE 0)))) |
Hotel.kif 396-417 | |
(=> (and (paidRoomAmenity ?ROOM ?PROC) (subclass ?PROC Process) (instance ?R ?ROOM) (stays ?GUEST ?R) (element ?R (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (patient ?P ?GUEST) (or (instance ?P ?PROC) (and (instance ?S ?PROC) (subProcess ?P ?S))) (located ?P ?R)) (exists (?PRICE ?U) (and (price ?P (MeasureFn ?PRICE ?U) ?GUEST) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (greaterThan ?PRICE 0)))) |
Hotel.kif 419-438 |