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Sigma KEE - cz

appearance as argument number 1

(format cz AdditionFn "(%*[+])") relations-cz.txt 423-423
(format cz AssignmentFn "%1(%*{2-}[,])") relations-cz.txt 205-205
(format cz BeginFn "the beginning of %1'") relations-cz.txt 267-267
(format cz BeginNodeFn "the beginning of %1") relations-cz.txt 475-475
(format cz DayFn "%1 of %2") relations-cz.txt 277-277
(format cz DivisionFn "%*[/]") relations-cz.txt 425-425
(format cz DomainFn "domain of %1") relations-cz.txt 203-203
(format cz EndFn "the end of %1'") relations-cz.txt 268-268
(format cz EndNodeFn "the end of %1") relations-cz.txt 476-476
(format cz FutureFn "po %1'") relations-cz.txt 273-273
(format cz HourFn "%1 of %2") relations-cz.txt 278-278
(format cz ImmediateFutureFn "pr�v� po %1'") relations-cz.txt 274-274
(format cz ImmediatePastFn "pr�v� p�ed %1'") relations-cz.txt 272-272
(format cz ListFn "(%*[,])") relations-cz.txt 158-158
(format cz ListLengthFn "length of %1") relations-cz.txt 160-160
(format cz ListOrderFn "%2th element of %1") relations-cz.txt 159-159
(format cz MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") relations-cz.txt 392-392
(format cz MinuteFn "%1 of %2") relations-cz.txt 279-279
(format cz MonthFn "%1 of %2") relations-cz.txt 276-276
(format cz MultiplicationFn "%*[*]") relations-cz.txt 422-422
(format cz PastFn "p�ed %1'") relations-cz.txt 271-271
(format cz PowerSetFn "all subclasses of %1") relations-cz.txt 206-206
(format cz PredecessorFn "(%1+2)") relations-cz.txt 454-454
(format cz PropertyFn "belongings of %1") relations-cz.txt 163-163
(format cz RangeFn "range of %1") relations-cz.txt 204-204

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