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Sigma KEE - WristBone

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation WristBone EnglishLanguage "wrist bone") Anatomy.kif 743-743
(initialPart WristBone Hand) Anatomy.kif 744-744
(subclass WristBone ArmBone) Anatomy.kif 741-741

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CapitateBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 781-781
(subclass HamateBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 786-786
(subclass LunateBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 756-756
(subclass NavicularBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 751-751
(subclass PisiformBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 766-766
(subclass ScaphoidBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 746-746
(subclass TrapeziumBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 771-771
(subclass TrapezoidBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 776-776
(subclass TriquetralBone WristBone) Anatomy.kif 761-761
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WristBone "wrist bone") Anatomy.kif 742-742

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