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Sigma KEE - VegetableOil

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation VegetableOil EnglishLanguage "VegetableOils are edible Plantoils.") Economy.kif 4674-4674
(externalImage VegetableOil " 3/ 33/ Zonnebloemolie_%28Sunflower_oil%29.jpg") pictureList.kif 9792-9792
(externalImage VegetableOil " e/ e9/ Italian_olive_oil_2007.jpg") pictureList.kif 9791-9791
(subclass VegetableOil FoodFromPlant) Economy.kif 4671-4671
(subclass VegetableOil Mixture) Economy.kif 4672-4672
(subclass VegetableOil OilFromPlant) Economy.kif 4673-4673

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AvocadoOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4697-4697
(subclass CanolaOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4685-4685
(subclass CocoaButter VegetableOil) Food.kif 2486-2486
(subclass CoconutOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4694-4694
(subclass CottonSeedOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4693-4693
(subclass GrapeSeedOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4683-4683
(subclass GroundnutOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4690-4690
(subclass OliveOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4677-4677
(subclass PalmOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4676-4676
(subclass RapeseedOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4684-4684
(subclass SafflowerOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4689-4689
(subclass SoybeanOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4680-4680
(subclass SunFlowerOil VegetableOil) Economy.kif 4686-4686
(termFormat ChineseLanguage VegetableOil "植物油") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61347-61347
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage VegetableOil "植物油") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61346-61346
(termFormat EnglishLanguage VegetableOil "vegetable oil") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61345-61345

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