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Sigma KEE - TruthValue

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TruthValue ChineseLanguage "这是真值的 Class,即是指 TrueFalse。它们 属于 SentencePropositionAttribute。") chinese_format.kif 3794-3795
(documentation TruthValue EnglishLanguage "The Class of truth values, e.g. True and False. These are Attributes of Sentences and Propositions.") Merge.kif 17041-17042
(subclass TruthValue RelationalAttribute) Merge.kif 17040-17040

appearance as argument number 2

(instance False TruthValue) Merge.kif 17055-17055
(instance True TruthValue) Merge.kif 17052-17052
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TruthValue "真值") chinese_format.kif 1235-1235
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TruthValue "truth value") english_format.kif 1691-1691
(termFormat FrenchLanguage TruthValue "vrai") french_format.kif 913-913
(termFormat Hindi TruthValue "yathaartha mulya") terms-hindi.txt 446-446
(termFormat ItalianLanguage TruthValue "ValoreDiVerit�") terms-it.txt 449-449
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage TruthValue "真理値") japanese_format.kif 2597-2597
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage TruthValue "Valor Verdade") portuguese_format.kif 865-865
(termFormat cb TruthValue "importanteng pagtoo") terms-cb.txt 451-451
(termFormat cz TruthValue "truth value") terms-cz.txt 485-485
(termFormat ro TruthValue "valoare de adevãr") relations-ro.kif 934-934
(termFormat tg TruthValue "halaga ng katotohanan") terms-tg.txt 450-450

appearance as argument number 3

(domain truth 2 TruthValue) Merge.kif 17062-17062


        (property ?ITEM ?VALUE)
        (instance ?VALUE TruthValue))
        (instance ?ITEM Sentence)
        (instance ?ITEM Proposition)))
Merge.kif 17044-17050

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