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Sigma KEE - TransnationalIssue

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TransnationalIssue EnglishLanguage "TransnationalIssue is a class of Attributes that characterize the concerns of Nations, international Non-Governmental Institutions (NGOs), and other transnational agents.") Government.kif 2574-2576
(subclass TransnationalIssue AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2572-2572

appearance as argument number 2

(instance ArmsControl TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2600-2600
(instance BoundaryDetermination TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2586-2586
(instance EconomicCooperation TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2619-2619
(instance EnergyAndTheEnvironment TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2627-2627
(instance HumanitarianAssistance TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2694-2694
(instance InternationalJustice TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2670-2670
(instance InternationalPeaceAndSecurity TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2585-2585
(instance MilitaryCooperation TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2661-2661
(instance PromoteRegionalStability TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2588-2588
(instance SocialCooperation TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2681-2681
(subAttribute WorldLaborIssues TransnationalIssue) Government.kif 2659-2659
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TransnationalIssue "跨国问题") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58979-58979
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TransnationalIssue "跨國問題") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58978-58978
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TransnationalIssue "transnational issue") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58977-58977


        (instance ?AGENT InternationalOrganization)
        (organizationalObjective ?AGENT ?TOPIC))
    (instance ?TOPIC TransnationalIssue))
Government.kif 2578-2582

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