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Sigma KEE - SpeedScaleAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SpeedScaleAttribute ChineseLanguage "SpeedScaleAttribute (时速级数属性) 是用于表达 %Motion (运动) 的速度一个 Attribute (属性)类别。 ") Weather.kif 2035-2036
(documentation SpeedScaleAttribute EnglishLanguage "SpeedScaleAttribute is a class of Attributes for indicating the speed of a Motion") Weather.kif 2033-2034
(subclass SpeedScaleAttribute RelationalAttribute) Weather.kif 2037-2037

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BeaufortNumberAttribute SpeedScaleAttribute) Weather.kif 323-323
(subclass EFScaleAttribute SpeedScaleAttribute) Weather.kif 2071-2071
(subclass SSHWSAttribute SpeedScaleAttribute) Weather.kif 2340-2340
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SpeedScaleAttribute "时速级数属性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10348-10348
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SpeedScaleAttribute "speed scale attribute") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10347-10347

appearance as argument number 3

(domain speedScaleAttributeMinMax 1 SpeedScaleAttribute) Weather.kif 2108-2108


        (instance ?ATTR SpeedScaleAttribute)
        (property ?X ?ATTR))
    (instance ?X Motion))
Weather.kif 2039-2043

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