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Sigma KEE - Replication

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Replication ChineseLanguage "这是生物繁殖的 Process,这可以是有性的或无形的过程 。") chinese_format.kif 2916-2917
(documentation Replication EnglishLanguage "The Process of biological reproduction. This can be either a sexual or an asexual process.") Merge.kif 10363-10364
(documentation Replication JapaneseLanguage "生物学的生殖の Process 。これは性的または無性の プロセスのいずれかである。") japanese_format.kif 1665-1666
(externalImage Replication " a/ a2/ DNAreplicationModes.png") pictureList.kif 11756-11756
(externalImage Replication " b/ b2/ Copiadna.JPG") pictureList.kif 11757-11757
(externalImage Replication " f/ fe/ DNA_replication_zh.png") pictureList.kif 10229-10229
(subclass Replication OrganismProcess) Merge.kif 10361-10361

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AsexualReproduction Replication) Merge.kif 10395-10395
(subclass SexualReproduction Replication) Merge.kif 10380-10380
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Replication "复制") chinese_format.kif 1083-1083
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Replication "replication") english_format.kif 1377-1377
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Replication "reproduction") french_format.kif 761-761
(termFormat Hindi Replication "punaraavritti") terms-hindi.txt 293-293
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Replication "Replicazione") terms-it.txt 296-296
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Replication "複製") japanese_format.kif 2445-2445
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Replication "Reproducao") portuguese_format.kif 713-713
(termFormat cz Replication "replication") terms-cz.txt 332-332
(termFormat ro Replication "replicã") relations-ro.kif 782-782
(termFormat tg Replication "pagtularan") terms-tg.txt 297-297


        (instance ?REP Replication)
        (agent ?REP ?PARENT)
        (result ?REP ?CHILD))
    (parent ?CHILD ?PARENT))
Merge.kif 10366-10371
        (instance ?VIRUS Virus)
        (instance ?PROC Replication)
        (agent ?PROC ?VIRUS))
    (exists (?CELL)
            (located ?PROC ?CELL)
            (instance ?CELL Cell))))
Merge.kif 14549-14557
    (instance ?REP Replication)
    (exists (?BODY)
            (instance ?BODY ReproductiveBody)
            (result ?REP ?BODY))))
Merge.kif 10373-10378


        (instance ?I Infecting)
        (experiencer ?I ?H))
    (exists (?T ?R ?O)
            (instance ?T Translocation)
            (moves ?T ?O)
            (instance ?O Organism)
            (instance ?R Replication)
            (experiencer ?R ?O)
            (subProcess ?T ?I)
            (subProcess ?R ?I))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5841-5853
    (instance ?INSECT QueenInsect)
        (attribute ?INSECT Female)
        (capability Replication agent ?INSECT)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12865-12869
    (instance ?INSECT QueenInsect)
    (exists (?GROUP)
            (instance ?GROUP Group)
            (member ?INSECT ?GROUP)
                (exists (?MEMBER)
                        (member ?MEMBER ?GROUP)
                        (capability Replication agent ?MEMBER)
                            (equal ?MEMBER ?INSECT))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12871-12883
    (instance ?MA MonoclonalAntibody)
    (exists (?WBC ?R)
            (instance ?R Replication)
            (instance ?WBC WhiteBloodCell)
            (resource ?R ?WBC)
            (result ?R ?MA))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10466-10473

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