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Sigma KEE - PulseOximeter

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PulseOximeter EnglishLanguage "Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method for monitoring a person's Blood Oxygen saturation. Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) readings are typically within 2% accuracy (within 4% accuracy in 95% of cases) of the more accurate (and invasive) reading of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) from arterial blood gas analysis. The most common approach is transmissive pulse oximetry. In this approach, a sensor device is placed on a thin part of the patient's body, usually a fingertip or earlobe, or an infant's foot. The device passes two wavelengths of light through the BodyPart to a photodetector. It measures the changing absorbance at each of the wavelengths, allowing it to determine the absorbances due to the pulsing arterial blood alone, excluding venous blood, skin, Bone, Muscle, FatTissue, and, in most cases, nail polish. [from Wikipedia] ") Medicine.kif 1249-1257
(subclass PulseOximeter MedicalDevice) Medicine.kif 1248-1248

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage PulseOximeter "pulse oximeter") Medicine.kif 1258-1258


        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (instrument ?M ?PO)
        (agent ?M ?A)
        (patient ?M ?P)
        (instance ?PO PulseOximeter))
    (exists (?N)
        (knows ?A
            (oxygenSaturation ?P ?N))))
Medicine.kif 1260-1269
    (instance ?PO PulseOximeter)
    (hasPurpose ?PO
        (exists (?M ?A ?P)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (instrument ?M ?PO)
                (agent ?M ?A)
                (patient ?M ?P)
                (instance ?PO PulseOximeter)))))
Medicine.kif 1271-1280


    (instance ?PO PulseOximeter)
    (hasPurpose ?PO
        (exists (?M ?A ?P)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (instrument ?M ?PO)
                (agent ?M ?A)
                (patient ?M ?P)
                (instance ?PO PulseOximeter)))))
Medicine.kif 1271-1280

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