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Sigma KEE - PreparedFoodAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PreparedFoodAttribute EnglishLanguage "PreparedFoodAttribute is a Class of RelationalAttributes which describe the status in the food it is related. Members of this class include if the food is cooked or raw, cured/ fermented, caffineated or decaf etc..") Food.kif 18-21
(subclass PreparedFoodAttribute RelationalAttribute) Food.kif 17-17

appearance as argument number 2

(instance CaffeinatedAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 405-405
(instance CookedAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 30-30
(instance CuredAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 63-63
(instance DecafAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 420-420
(instance DryRoastAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 107-107
(instance FermentedAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 205-205
(instance HulledAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 153-153
(instance RawAttribute PreparedFoodAttribute) Food.kif 46-46
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PreparedFoodAttribute "prepared food attribute") Food.kif 22-22


        (instance ?A PreparedFoodAttribute)
        (attribute ?F ?A))
    (instance ?F Food))
Food.kif 24-28

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