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Sigma KEE - PoliticalOrganization

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PoliticalOrganization ChineseLanguage "这是一个试图带来某些政治上的改变的 Organization。") chinese_format.kif 3727-3728
(documentation PoliticalOrganization EnglishLanguage "An Organization that is attempting to bring about some sort of political change.") Merge.kif 16717-16718
(subclass PoliticalOrganization Organization) Merge.kif 16716-16716

appearance as argument number 2

(instance PalestinianLiberationOrganization PoliticalOrganization) CountriesAndRegions.kif 3907-3907
(subclass MilitaryForce PoliticalOrganization) Merge.kif 16727-16727
(subclass PoliticalCoalition PoliticalOrganization) Government.kif 2207-2207
(subclass PoliticalParty PoliticalOrganization) Government.kif 2214-2214
(subclass PoliticalPressureGroup PoliticalOrganization) Government.kif 2309-2309
(subclass TerroristOrganization PoliticalOrganization) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22899-22899
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PoliticalOrganization "政治机构") chinese_format.kif 1069-1069
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PoliticalOrganization "political organization") english_format.kif 1349-1349
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PoliticalOrganization "organisation politique") french_format.kif 747-747
(termFormat Hindi PoliticalOrganization "raajanItika sansthaa") terms-hindi.txt 279-279
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PoliticalOrganization "OrganizzazionePolitica") terms-it.txt 282-282
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PoliticalOrganization "政治組織") japanese_format.kif 2431-2431
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PoliticalOrganization "Organizacao Politica") portuguese_format.kif 699-699
(termFormat cz PoliticalOrganization "political organization") terms-cz.txt 318-318
(termFormat ro PoliticalOrganization "organizaþie politicã") relations-ro.kif 768-768
(termFormat tg PoliticalOrganization "kapisanan ng politika") terms-tg.txt 283-283


    (instance ?POL PoliticalOrganization)
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC PoliticalProcess)
            (agent ?PROC ?POL))))
Merge.kif 16720-16725

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