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Sigma KEE - NitrogenDioxide

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation NitrogenDioxide ChineseLanguage "NitrogenDioxide 是一种状态为 Gas 的化学 复合物,它的化学公式是 NO2。") Geography.kif 7231-7232
(documentation NitrogenDioxide EnglishLanguage "NitrogenDioxide is a chemical compound in the state of Gas, with a chemical formula of NO2.") Geography.kif 7228-7229
(roomTempState NitrogenDioxide Gas) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31895-31895
(subclass NitrogenDioxide CompoundSubstance) Geography.kif 7226-7226

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NitrogenDioxide "二氧化氮") Geography.kif 7236-7236
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NitrogenDioxide "nitrogen dioxide") Geography.kif 7234-7234

appearance as argument number 3

(molecularRatio Nitrogen 1 NitrogenDioxide) Geography.kif 7238-7238
(molecularRatio Oxygen 2 NitrogenDioxide) Geography.kif 7239-7239


        (instance ?Y NitrogenDioxide)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (property ?Y StandardAmbientTemperaturePressure)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?Y Gas)))
Geography.kif 7241-7247


    (instance ?AR AcidRainfall)
    (exists (?RAIN ?SO2 ?NO ?NO2)
            (instance ?RAIN Water)
            (patient ?AR ?RAIN)
            (instance ?SO2 SulphurDioxide)
            (instance ?NO NitricOxide)
            (instance ?NO2 NitrogenDioxide)
                (part ?SO2 ?RAIN)
                (part ?NO ?RAIN)
                (part ?NO2 ?RAIN)))))
Geography.kif 2495-2507

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