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Sigma KEE - MylohyoidMuscle

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MylohyoidMuscle EnglishLanguage "The MylohyoidMuscle raises oral cavity floor, elevates HyoidBone, depresses mandible.") Muscles.kif 622-622
(muscleInsertion MylohyoidMuscle PharyngealRaphe) Muscles.kif 617-617
(muscleOrigin MylohyoidMuscle MylohyoidLineOfMandible) Muscles.kif 616-616
(subclass MylohyoidMuscle Muscle) Muscles.kif 614-614

appearance as argument number 2

(ennervates MylohyoidNerveFromInferiorAlveolarBranchOfMandibularNerveCNV3 MylohyoidMuscle) Muscles.kif 619-619
(suppliesBlood MylohyoidBranchOfInferiorAlveolarArtery MylohyoidMuscle) Muscles.kif 618-618
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MylohyoidMuscle "mylohyoid muscle") Muscles.kif 615-615

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