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Sigma KEE - GasTank

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation GasTank EnglishLanguage "A Container in a Vehicle designed to hold a Liquid Fuel for use in its Engine. Note that this does not include container such as portable fuel tanks that may be used to carry gas, but which do not directly supply an engine.") Cars.kif 987-990
(subclass GasTank FluidContainer) Cars.kif 985-985

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage GasTank "gas tank") Cars.kif 986-986


        (instance ?FP FuelPump)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (part ?FP ?A)
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instance ?F Fuel)
        (patient ?T ?F)
        (instrument ?F ?FP)
        (instance ?GT GasTank)
        (part ?GT ?A)
        (instance ?EC EngineCylinder)
        (part ?EC ?A)
        (origin ?T ?GT)
        (destination ?T ?EC)
        (path ?T ?P))
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?FF)
                (instance ?FF FuelFilter)
                (betweenOnPath ?GT ?FF ?EC ?P)))))
Cars.kif 1070-1090
    (instance ?GT GasTank)
    (hasPurpose ?GT
        (exists (?F ?T ?E)
                (instance ?F Fuel)
                (contains ?GT ?F)
                (instance ?E Engine)
                (instance ?T Transfer)
                (origin ?T ?GT)
                (destination ?T ?E)
                (patient ?T ?F)))))
Cars.kif 1000-1011
    (instance ?GT GasTank)
    (hasPurpose ?GT
        (exists (?F)
                (instance ?F Fuel)
                (contains ?GT ?F)))))
Cars.kif 992-998


        (instance ?FP FuelPump)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (part ?FP ?A)
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instance ?F Fuel)
        (patient ?T ?F)
        (instrument ?F ?FP))
    (hasPurpose ?FP
        (exists (?GT ?EC)
                (instance ?GT GasTank)
                (part ?GT ?A)
                (instance ?EC EngineCylinder)
                (part ?EC ?A)
                (origin ?T ?GT)
                (destination ?T ?EC)))))
Cars.kif 1051-1068
    (instance ?X FuelCapLock)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?TANK ?HOLE ?T)
                (instance ?TANK GasTank)
                (hole ?HOLE ?TANK)
                    (holdsDuring ?T
                            (connected ?X ?HOLE)
                            (attribute ?X Locked)))
                    (holdsDuring ?T
                        (exists (?STEAL ?FUEL)
                                (instance ?STEAL Stealing)
                                (instance ?FUEL Fuel)
                                (located ?FUEL ?TANK)
                                (patient ?STEAL ?FUEL)))))))))
Cars.kif 1016-1034

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