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Sigma KEE - ElectricalTransformer

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ElectricalTransformer EnglishLanguage "A Device for converting one measure of Volts to another. Two coils of wire are inductively coupled around a common core. The ratio of the number of windings in each coil is same as the ratio of the resulting voltages.") Cars.kif 3141-3144
(externalImage ElectricalTransformer " commons/ 7/ 73/ Stromwandler.jpg") pictureList.kif 8763-8763
(externalImage ElectricalTransformer " commons/ 7/ 7a/ Transformer_hightolow_smaller.jpg") pictureList.kif 9763-9763
(externalImage ElectricalTransformer " en/ 1/ 1c/ Polemount_singlephase_closeup.jpg") pictureList.kif 9765-9765
(subclass ElectricalTransformer Transformer) Cars.kif 3139-3139

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass IgnitionCoil ElectricalTransformer) Cars.kif 3196-3196
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ElectricalTransformer "变压器") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58860-58860
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ElectricalTransformer "變壓器") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58859-58859
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ElectricalTransformer "electrical transformer") Cars.kif 3140-3140
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ElectricalTransformer "transformer") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58858-58858

appearance as argument number 3

(domain transformerCapacity 1 ElectricalTransformer) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31694-31694
(domain voltageRatingPrimary 1 ElectricalTransformer) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31602-31602
(domain voltageRatingSecondary 1 ElectricalTransformer) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31645-31645


        (instance ?T ElectricalTransformer)
        (instance ?WC1 WireCoil)
        (instance ?WC2 WireCoil)
        (coilCount ?WC1 ?N1)
        (coilCount ?WC2 ?N2)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (measure ?WC1
                (MeasureFn Volt ?V1))))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (measure ?WC2
                (MeasureFn Volt ?V2)))
        (equal ?V2
            (MultiplicationFn ?V1
                (DivisionFn ?N2 ?N1)))))
Cars.kif 3155-3169
    (instance ?ET ElectricalTransformer)
    (exists (?WC1 ?WC2)
            (instance ?WC1 WireCoil)
            (instance ?WC2 WireCoil)
            (part ?WC1 ?ET)
            (part ?WC2 ?ET))))
Cars.kif 3146-3153

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