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Sigma KEE - Crystal

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Crystal ChineseLanguage "Crystal Solid 是一种拥有 CrystallineStructureSubstance。") Geography.kif 7107-7108
(documentation Crystal EnglishLanguage "A Crystal Solid is a Substance with a CrystallineStructure.") Geography.kif 7104-7105
(subclass Crystal Substance) Geography.kif 7110-7110

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Snowflake Crystal) Weather.kif 2994-2994
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Crystal "水晶") Geography.kif 7114-7114
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Crystal "crystal") Geography.kif 7112-7112


        (instance ?C Crystal)
        (attribute ?C MonoCrystalline)
        (instance ?SUB Substance)
        (attribute ?SUB Solid)
        (attribute ?SUB PolyCrystalline)
        (instance ?S Substance)
        (surface ?S ?SUB)
            (part ?C ?S)))
    (exists (?CLNT ?X ?MBR)
            (instance ?CLNT Collection)
            (memberCount ?CLNT ?X)
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?X 4)
                (member ?MBR ?CLNT)
                    (part ?MBR ?SUB)
                    (meetsSpatially ?C ?MBR))))))
Geography.kif 7142-7162

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