ConeSegment |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ConeSegment EnglishLanguage "A ShapeAttribute that specifies a figure described by rotating a quadrilateral with two RightAngles around its right-angled axis.") | Cars.kif 1428-1429 | |
(instance ConeSegment ShapeAttribute) | Cars.kif 1426-1426 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ConeSegment "cone segment") | Cars.kif 1427-1427 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?T Tornado) (instance ?R Rotating) (instance ?A Air) (instance ?TRAN Translocation) (subProcess ?R ?T) (subProcess ?TRAN ?R) (patient ?TRAN ?A) (direction ?TRAN Horizontal)) (exists (?G ?FUNNEL ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?C ?BASE) (and (instance ?G GeographicArea) (eventLocated ?T ?G) (part ?FUNNEL ?A) (attribute ?FUNNEL ConeSegment) (top ?TOP ?FUNNEL) (bottom ?BOTTOM ?FUNNEL) (instance ?C Cloud) (bottom ?BASE ?C) (meetsSpatially ?TOP ?BASE) (meetsSpatially ?BOTTOM ?G)))) |
Weather.kif 1634-1655 | |
(=> (instance ?BV BevelGear) (attribute ?BV ConeSegment)) |
Cars.kif 1422-1424 |