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Sigma KEE - CoffeeRoastAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CoffeeRoastAttribute EnglishLanguage "CoffeeRoastAttribute is a Class of RelationalAttribute used to describe the degree of Heating the CoffeeBeans are subjected to.") Food.kif 449-451
(relatedInternalConcept CoffeeRoastAttribute CoffeeGrindAttribute) Food.kif 448-448
(subclass CoffeeRoastAttribute RelationalAttribute) Food.kif 447-447

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AmericanRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 542-542
(instance CinnamonRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 504-504
(instance CityRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 554-554
(instance DarkRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 566-566
(instance FrenchRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 604-604
(instance FullyCityRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 580-580
(instance ItalianRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 616-616
(instance LightRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 490-490
(instance MediumRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 528-528
(instance NewEnglandRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 516-516
(instance ViennaRoast CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 592-592
(relatedInternalConcept Coffee CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 631-631
(relatedInternalConcept DryRoastAttribute CoffeeRoastAttribute) Food.kif 108-108
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CoffeeRoastAttribute "coffee roast attribute") Food.kif 452-452


        (instance ?C CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?C ?R))
    (instance ?R CoffeeRoastAttribute))
Food.kif 454-458
    (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
    (exists (?B ?A ?C)
            (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
            (attribute ?B ?A)
            (instance ?A CoffeeRoastAttribute)
            (attribute ?CG ?C)
            (instance ?C CoffeeGrindAttribute))))
Food.kif 1044-1052

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