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Sigma KEE - CelsiusDegree

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CelsiusDegree ChineseLanguage "这是一个 TemperatureMeasure,水的冰点和沸点 分别是 0 CelsiusDegree 和 100 CelsiusDegree。") chinese_format.kif 2561-2562
(documentation CelsiusDegree EnglishLanguage "A TemperatureMeasure. The freezing point and the boiling point of water are, respectively, 0 CelsiusDegrees and 100 CelsiusDegrees.") Merge.kif 7005-7007
(documentation CelsiusDegree JapaneseLanguage "TemperatureMeasure。 水の点位と沸点は、それ ぞれ、0 CelsiusDegrees 及び100 CelsiusDegreesである。") japanese_format.kif 1264-1265
(externalImage CelsiusDegree " 4/ 40/ Grau_Celsius.PNG") pictureList.kif 8409-8409
(externalImage CelsiusDegree " thumb/ c/ c9/ Raumthermometer_Fahrenheit%2BCelsius.jpg/ 597px-Raumthermometer_Fahrenheit%2BCelsius.jpg") pictureList.kif 9040-9040
(instance CelsiusDegree SystemeInternationalUnit) Merge.kif 7003-7003
(instance CelsiusDegree UnitOfTemperature) Merge.kif 7002-7002

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage CelsiusDegree "摄氏度") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13715-13715
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CelsiusDegree "攝氏度") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13714-13714
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CelsiusDegree "celsius degree") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13713-13713


        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
        (forall (?MO)
                (instance ?MO Month)
                (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                    (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree)))))
    (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))
Geography.kif 1522-1530
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA DesertClimateZone)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
        (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA SubtropicalDesertClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1370-1377
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarTypeFClimateZone)
        (instance ?TIME TimePosition)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (airTemperature ?AREA
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP)))
Geography.kif 1597-1603
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TemperateClimateZone)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree)))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?TEMP -3.0))
Geography.kif 1419-1425
        (instance ?A Americano)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?W ?A)
        (instance ?E Espresso)
        (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
        (measure ?W
            (MeasureFn 90.0 CelsiusDegree))
        (mixtureRatio ?E ?W ?V1 ?V2 Liter))
        (approximateValue ?V1 0.03)
        (approximateValue ?V2 0.15)))
Food.kif 1321-1332
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1575-1582
        (instance ?FM FoamingMilk)
        (patient ?FM ?M)
        (instance ?M ProcessedMilk)
        (instance ?H Heating)
        (subProcess ?H ?FM)
        (measure ?M
            (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree)))
    (approximateValue ?T 70.0))
Food.kif 1207-1216
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?T Hyperthermia)
                (coreBodyTemp ?H
                    (MeasureFn ?N CelsiusDegree)))))
    (greaterThan ?N 38.3))
Medicine.kif 686-694
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?T Hypothermia)
                (coreBodyTemp ?H
                    (MeasureFn ?N CelsiusDegree)))))
    (lessThan ?N 35.0))
Medicine.kif 651-659
        (instance ?ICE Ice)
        (measure ?ICE
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER CelsiusDegree)))
    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER 0.0))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9203-9207
        (instance ?W TapWater)
        (instance ?M Mixture)
        (part ?W ?M)
        (instance ?A Antifreeze)
        (part ?A ?M)
        (attribute ?M Solid)
        (measure ?M
            (MeasureFn ?D CelsiusDegree)))
    (greaterThan 32 ?D))
Cars.kif 1219-1228


        (instance ?B Object)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H Heating)
            (patient ?H ?B)
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (measure ?B
                    (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))))))
Food.kif 468-478
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (temporalPart ?MO WinterSeason)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (lessThan ?AMOUNT -3.0))))
Geography.kif 1533-1541
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?TEMP)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))))
Geography.kif 1566-1573
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA SubtropicalDesertClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?TEMP)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0))))
Geography.kif 1379-1386
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TemperateClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan ?AMOUNT 10.0))))
Geography.kif 1409-1416
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TemperateClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AMOUNT -3.0)
            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?AMOUNT 18.0)
                (exists (?M2 ?MT2)
                        (instance ?M2 Month)
                        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?M2
                            (MeasureFn ?MT2 CelsiusDegree))
                        (lessThan ?MT2 ?AMOUNT)))))))
Geography.kif 1428-1443
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TropicalClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?TEMP)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0)
                (exists (?M2 ?MT2)
                        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?M2
                            (MeasureFn ?MT2 CelsiusDegree))
                        (lessThan ?MT2 ?TEMP)))))))
Geography.kif 1285-1298
    (instance ?A Americano)
    (exists (?P ?W ?E)
            (instance ?P Pouring)
            (patient ?P ?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (measure ?W
                (MeasureFn 90 CelsiusDegree))
            (destination ?P ?E)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (result ?P ?A))))
Food.kif 1310-1320
    (instance ?C ColdBrewingCoffee)
    (exists (?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (resource ?C ?W)
            (measure ?W
                (MeasureFn 20 CelsiusDegree)))))
Food.kif 844-851
    (instance ?EM EspressoMaking)
    (holdsDuring ?EM
        (exists (?H ?W ?V ?T ?LM ?P ?COLL ?K ?CG ?F ?R)
                (instance ?H Heating)
                (patient ?H ?W)
                (measure ?W
                    (MeasureFn ?V Liter))
                (approximateValue ?V 0.03)
                        (WhenFn ?H))
                        (measure ?W
                            (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))
                        (approximateValue ?T 90)))
                (instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
                (patient ?LM ?W)
                (holdsDuring ?LM
                        (measure ?W
                            (MeasureFn ?P
                                (KiloFn Pascal)))
                        (approximateValue ?P 900)))
                (destination ?LM ?COLL)
                (instance ?COLL Collection)
                (measure ?COLL
                    (MeasureFn ?K Gram))
                (approximateValue ?K 7.5)
                (member ?COLL ?CG)
                (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
                (attribute ?CG FineGrind)
                (located ?COLL ?F)
                (instance ?F Filter)
                (instance ?R Removing)
                (instrument ?R ?F)
                (patient ?R ?COLL)
                        (WhenFn ?H))
                        (WhenFn ?LM))
                        (WhenFn ?R)))))))
Food.kif 799-834
    (instance ?M MilkFoam)
    (measure ?M
        (MeasureFn 70 CelsiusDegree)))
Food.kif 1233-1235
    (instance ?X FrenchPressingCoffee)
    (exists (?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (resource ?W ?X)
            (measure ?W
                (MeasureFn 90 CelsiusDegree)))))
Food.kif 862-869


    (MeasureFn ?NUMBER CelsiusDegree)
            (SubtractionFn ?NUMBER 32.0) 1.8) FahrenheitDegree))
Merge.kif 7013-7015
    (MeasureFn ?NUMBER CelsiusDegree)
        (SubtractionFn ?NUMBER 273.15) KelvinDegree))
Merge.kif 7009-7011

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