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Sigma KEE - BoneTissue

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BoneTissue EnglishLanguage "Rigid Tissue composed largely of calcium that makes up the skeleton of Vertebrates. Note that this Class also includes teeth.") Merge.kif 15237-15238
(subclass BoneTissue AnimalSubstance) Merge.kif 15236-15236
(subclass BoneTissue ConnectiveTissue) Merge.kif 15235-15235

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage BoneTissue "bone tissue") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64579-64579


    (instance ?BONE BoneTissue)
    (exists (?VERT)
            (instance ?VERT Vertebrate)
            (part ?BONE ?VERT))))
Merge.kif 15240-15245


    (instance ?B Bone)
    (material BoneTissue ?B))
Merge.kif 15249-15251

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