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Sigma KEE - BimetalTemperatureSensor

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BimetalTemperatureSensor EnglishLanguage "Two metals bonded together that have dissimilar thermal expansion properties. This leads to the strip curling one direction or another with changes in TemperatureMeasure, typically activating a switch or other device.") Cars.kif 4125-4128
(subclass BimetalTemperatureSensor MeasuringDevice) Cars.kif 4123-4123

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage BimetalTemperatureSensor "bi-metal temperature sensor") Cars.kif 4124-4124


        (instance ?BTS BimetalTemperatureSensor)
        (instance ?M1 Metal)
        (instance ?M2 Metal)
            (equal ?M1 ?M2))
        (part ?M1 ?BTS)
        (part ?M2 ?BTS)
        (instance ?T1 TemperatureMeasure)
        (instance ?T2 TemperatureMeasure)
        (instance ?L1 LengthMeasure)
        (instance ?L2 LengthMeasure)
        (instance ?L3 LengthMeasure)
        (instance ?L4 LengthMeasure)
            (equal ?T1 ?T2))
            (equal ?TM1 ?TM2))
        (holdsDuring ?TM1
                (measure ?BTS ?T1)
                (measure ?M1 ?L1)
                (measure ?M2 ?L2)))
        (holdsDuring ?TM2
                (measure ?BTS ?T2)
                (measure ?M1 ?L3)
                (measure ?M2 ?L4))))
            (DivisionFn ?L1 ?L2)
            (DivisionFn ?L3 ?L4))))
Cars.kif 4141-4173
    (instance ?BTS BimetalTemperatureSensor)
    (exists (?M1 ?M2)
            (instance ?M1 Metal)
            (instance ?M2 Metal)
            (part ?M1 ?BTS)
            (part ?M2 ?BTS)
                (equal ?M1 ?M2)))))
Cars.kif 4130-4139

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