AutoSuspensionSystem |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AutoSuspensionSystem EnglishLanguage "A system, typically consisting of Springs and Shocks that couples the Wheels or Axles of a RoadVehicle to the rest of the body, and serving to dampen the effect of uneven road surfaces on the occupants or cargo.") | Cars.kif 719-721 | |
(subclass AutoSuspensionSystem PhysicalSystem) | Cars.kif 717-717 | |
(typicalPart AutoSuspensionSystem Automobile) | Cars.kif 727-727 | |
(typicallyContainsPart AutoSuspensionSystem Automobile) | Cars.kif 726-726 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AutoSuspensionSystem "auto suspension system") | Cars.kif 718-718 | |
(typicalPart AutomobileShock AutoSuspensionSystem) | Cars.kif 840-840 | |
(typicalPart LeafSpring AutoSuspensionSystem) | Cars.kif 896-896 | |
(typicalPart MacPhersonStrut AutoSuspensionSystem) | Cars.kif 3313-3313 | |
(typicallyContainsPart Spring AutoSuspensionSystem) | Cars.kif 725-725 |