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2025 2025
-1 (-1) -1 (-1)
-10 (-10) -10 (-10)
-3.0 (-3.0) -3.0 (-3.0)
-6 (-6) -6 (-6)
-7235.0 (-7235.0) -7235.0 (-7235.0)
.5 (.5) .5 (.5)
2025 2025
<=> (<=>) <=> (<=>)
=> (=>) => (=>)
AAA-Rating (AAA-rating) AAA-Rating (AAA-rating)
AAM (air-to-air missile) AAM (air-to-air missile)
AAV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle) AAV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle)
ABPFn (average buying price) ABPFn (average buying price)
ABTest (A/B test) ABTest (A/B test)
ABranchOfDorsalPrimaryDivisionOfSuboccipitalNerve (a branch of dorsal primary division of suboccipital nerve) ABranchOfDorsalPrimaryDivisionOfSuboccipitalNerve (a branch of dorsal primary division of suboccipital nerve)
ACPowerSource (ac power source) ACPowerSource (ac power source)
AGM (AGM missile) AGM (AGM missile)
AGM114 (AGM-114 Hellfire missile) AGM114 (AGM-114 Hellfire missile)
AGM65 (AGM-65 Maverick missile) AGM65 (AGM-65 Maverick missile)
AH1 (AH-1 Cobra) AH1 (AH-1 Cobra)
AIM9 (AIM-9 Sidewinder missile) AIM9 (AIM-9 Sidewinder missile)
next 25

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners