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Sigma KEE - SkouLanguage

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(documentation SkouLanguage EnglishLanguage "The SkouLanguage is a VanimoGroupLanguage of Indonesia (Irian Jaya). SIL code: SKV. ISO 639-2: paa. Population: 700 (1999 M. Donohue). Region: North coast border area east of Jayapura, at the mouth of the Tami River, villages of Sko-Yambe, Sko-Mabu, Sko-Sai. Alternate names: SKO, SKOUW, SKOW, SEKOU, TUMAWO, TE MAWO. Comments: Related to Vanimo, Wutung, Yako. Most people use Irianese Malay or Indonesian, Wutung of Papua New Guinea or Vanimo to speakers of those languages. Comprehension is limited. All domains. All ages. Some older Wutung people use Sko as their second or third language. They have reservations about Indonesian. Dictionary. Literacy rate in first language: 10%. Literacy rate in second language: 10% Indonesian. Literacy motivation high, program in progress. Sago palms. Coastal, swamps. Christian.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 13003-13013
(instance SkouLanguage VanimoGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 13002-13002

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage SkouLanguage "skou语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 53338-53338
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SkouLanguage "skou語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 53337-53337
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SkouLanguage "skou language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 53336-53336

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