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Sigma KEE - StateChange
StateChange(state change)blood_clotting, blood_coagulation, clogged, clotted, clotting, coagulate, coagulated, coagulation, concrete, congealed, curdled, curdling, dissolution, dissolving, evaporated, evaporation, gasified, grumose, grumous, hardened, jelled, jellied, libration, lie, liquefaction, liquefied, liquefy, liquified, oscillation, phase_change, phase_transition, physical_change, set, solidified, state_change, sublimated, sublimed, thermocoagulation, vapor, vaporisation, vaporization, vaporized, vapour, vapourised, vitrification, volatilised, volatilized, woody

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation StateChange ChineseLanguage "这是任何当 Process patientpartPhysicalState 受到改变的 Process。") chinese_format.kif 3335-3336
(documentation StateChange EnglishLanguage "Any Process where the PhysicalState of part of the patient of the Process changes.") Merge.kif 13799-13800
(subclass StateChange InternalChange) Merge.kif 13798-13798 State change is a subclass of internal change

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Boiling StateChange) Merge.kif 13968-13968 Boiling is a subclass of state change
(subclass Clotting StateChange) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10515-10515 Coagulation is a subclass of state change
(subclass Condensing StateChange) Merge.kif 14014-14014 Condensing is a subclass of state change
(subclass Curdling StateChange) Food.kif 3179-3179 Curdling is a subclass of state change
(subclass Deposition StateChange) Geography.kif 6991-6991 Deposition is a subclass of state change
(subclass Evaporating StateChange) Merge.kif 13993-13993 Evaporating is a subclass of state change
(subclass Freezing StateChange) Merge.kif 14035-14035 Freezing is a subclass of state change
(subclass Melting StateChange) Merge.kif 13947-13947 Melting is a subclass of state change
(subclass Sublimation StateChange) Geography.kif 7041-7041 Sublimation is a subclass of state change
(termFormat ChineseLanguage StateChange "状态改变") chinese_format.kif 1226-1226
(termFormat EnglishLanguage StateChange "state change") english_format.kif 1673-1673
(termFormat FrenchLanguage StateChange "changement d'�tat") french_format.kif 904-904
(termFormat Hindi StateChange "avastaa parivartana") terms-hindi.txt 437-437
(termFormat ItalianLanguage StateChange "CambiamentoDiStato") terms-it.txt 440-440
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage StateChange "状態変化") japanese_format.kif 2588-2588
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage StateChange "Mudanca de Estado") portuguese_format.kif 856-856
(termFormat cz StateChange "zm�na skupenstv�") terms-cz.txt 476-476
(termFormat ro StateChange "schimbare de stare") relations-ro.kif 925-925
(termFormat tg StateChange "Pagbabago ng Bansa") terms-tg.txt 441-441


        (instance ?PROCESS StateChange)
        (patient ?PROCESS ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PART ?STATE1 ?STATE2)
            (part ?PART ?OBJ)
            (instance ?STATE1 PhysicalState)
            (instance ?STATE2 PhysicalState)
                (equal ?STATE1 ?STATE2))
                    (WhenFn ?PROCESS))
                (attribute ?PART ?STATE1))
                    (WhenFn ?PROCESS))
                (attribute ?PART ?STATE2)))))
Merge.kif 13802-13813

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