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Sigma KEE - PropositionalAttitude
PropositionalAttitude(propositional attitude)Kalashnikov_culture, attitude, bird's_eye_view, countertransference, culture, cyberculture, floodgate, futurism, hard_line, high_horse, mental_attitude, mosaic_culture, panoramic_view, recognition, straddle, transference

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PropositionalAttitude ChineseLanguage "这是一个 IntentionalRelation Class,它的 AgentProposition 有认知。") chinese_format.kif 1925-1926
(documentation PropositionalAttitude EnglishLanguage "The Class of IntentionalRelations where the AutonomousAgent has awareness of a Proposition.") Merge.kif 2698-2700
(documentation PropositionalAttitude JapaneseLanguage "AgentProposition の認識を 持っている IntentionalRelations IR の Class。") japanese_format.kif 552-553
(subclass PropositionalAttitude AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 2695-2695 Propositional attitude is a subclass of asymmetric relation
(subclass PropositionalAttitude InheritableRelation) Merge.kif 2696-2696 Propositional attitude is a subclass of inheritable relation
(subclass PropositionalAttitude IntentionalRelation) Merge.kif 2694-2694 Propositional attitude is a subclass of intentional relation

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint ObjectAttitude PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2710-2710 Object attitude is disjoint from propositional attitude
(instance believes PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2807-2807 believes is an instance of propositional attitude
(instance considers PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2797-2797 considers is an instance of propositional attitude
(instance desires PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2784-2784 desires is an instance of propositional attitude
(instance disapproves PropositionalAttitude) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7463-7463 disapproves is an instance of propositional attitude
(instance doubts PropositionalAttitude) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7435-7435 doubts is an instance of propositional attitude
(instance knows PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2823-2823 knows is an instance of propositional attitude
(instance says PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2843-2843 says is an instance of propositional attitude
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PropositionalAttitude "命题态度") chinese_format.kif 908-908
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PropositionalAttitude "propositional attitude") english_format.kif 1023-1023
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PropositionalAttitude "attitude propositionnelle") french_format.kif 584-584
(termFormat Hindi PropositionalAttitude "prastaavaatmak abhivQtti") terms-hindi.txt 114-114
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PropositionalAttitude "AtteggiamentoProposizionale") terms-it.txt 117-117
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PropositionalAttitude "命題態度") japanese_format.kif 2269-2269
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PropositionalAttitude "Atitude pProposicional") portuguese_format.kif 536-536
(termFormat cz PropositionalAttitude "propositional attitude") terms-cz.txt 151-151
(termFormat ro PropositionalAttitude "atitudine propoziþionalã") relations-ro.kif 605-605
(termFormat tg PropositionalAttitude "binabalak na kilos") terms-tg.txt 118-118


        (instance ?REL PropositionalAttitude)
        (?REL ?AGENT ?FORMULA))
    (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
Merge.kif 2702-2706

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