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Sigma KEE - NorthernUzbekLanguage
NorthernUzbekLanguage(northern uzbek language)

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(documentation NorthernUzbekLanguage EnglishLanguage "The NorthernUzbekLanguage is an EasternTurkicLanguage of Uzbekistan. SIL code: UZB. ISO 639-1: uz. ISO 639-2: uzb. Population: 16,539,000 in Uzbekistan (1995 UN). Population total all countries: 18,466,000. Region: Uzbekistan and throughout Asian republics of the former USSR. East of the Amu Darya and around the southern Aral Sea. Possibly in Munich, Germany. Also spoken in Australia, China, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia (Asia), Tajikistan, Turkey (Asia), Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA. Alternate names: OZBEK. Dialects: KARLUK (QARLUG), KIPCHAK (KYPCHAK), OGHUZ. Comments: Distinct from Southern Uzbek of Afghanistan and Turkey. Russian influences in grammar, use of loan words, script. Oghuz may be a dialect of Khorasani Turkish (see Turkey) rather than Uzbek. 49% of speakers are bilingual in Russian, but rural people have limited proficiency. All ages. Children speak Uzbek at home. Vigorous. Used in theater. Turks of Fergana and Samarkand speak Uzbek. There are Uzbek-speaking Gypsy communities in Soviet central Asia. Increasing ethnic pride. People are about one-third urbanized. Much Persian influence in language and culture. Patrilineal. 'Sart' is an obsolete name for sedentary Uzbek, possibly those who are ethnically Tajik. Official language. Dictionary. Grammar. Literacy rate in second language: High. Cyrillic script used. Arabic and Roman scripts used formerly. Used in school. Radio programs, TV. Desert, semi-arid, fertile valleys. Agriculturalists: cotton, fruit, vegetables, grain, pastoralists: sheep, silk production, technicians, professionals, industrialists, communications, medicine, educators, administrators. Hanafi Sunni Muslim. NT 1992-1995. Also spoken in: China. (Language name: UZBEK, NORTHERN.) Population: 3,000 speakers out of 14,502 in the official nationality in China (1990 census). Alternate names: OZBEK, OUZBEK, USBEKI, USBAKI. Comments: Different from Southern Uzbek of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey. They use Uyghur and Kazakh as literary languages. All are bilingual in Uyghur and can write Uyghur. An official nationality in China. SOV, has lost its historical vowel harmony and its vowel system now resembles that of Tajiki. Literacy rate in second language: 79%. It has an alphabetic script based on Arabic. Agriculturalists, some traders. Sunni Muslim. NT 1992-1995.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 5159-5190
(externalImage NorthernUzbekLanguage " commons/ c/ c3/ Turkic_languages.png") pictureList.kif 8621-8621
(instance NorthernUzbekLanguage EasternTurkicLanguage) Languages.kif 5158-5158 Northern uzbek language is an instance of eastern turkic language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NorthernUzbekLanguage "北乌兹别克语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41165-41165
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NorthernUzbekLanguage "北烏茲別克語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41164-41164
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NorthernUzbekLanguage "northern uzbek language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41163-41163

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "uz" NorthernUzbekLanguage) Languages.kif 14905-14905 "uz" in ISO-639-1 denotes northern uzbek language

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