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Sigma KEE - AttrFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AttrFn EnglishLanguage "For given class and for given attribute, return a subclass of the class of the argument having the attribute") Merge.kif 1771-1772
(documentation AttrFn JapaneseLanguage "指定されたクラスと指定された属性の場合、属性を持つオブ ジェクトのクラスのサブクラスを返す。") japanese_format.kif 326-327
(domain AttrFn 2 Attribute) Merge.kif 1778-1778 The number 2 argument of attr is an instance of attribute
(domainSubclass AttrFn 1 Object) Merge.kif 1777-1777 The number 1 argument of attr is a subclass of object
(instance AttrFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 1774-1774 Attr is an instance of binary function
(instance AttrFn PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 1775-1775 Attr is an instance of partial valued relation
(rangeSubclass AttrFn Object) Merge.kif 1776-1776 The values returned by attr are subclasses of object

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage AttrFn "%1 跟 %2 的 attr") domainEnglishFormat.kif 220-220
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage AttrFn "%1 跟 %2 的 attr") domainEnglishFormat.kif 219-219
(format EnglishLanguage AttrFn "the attr of %1 and %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 218-218
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AttrFn "attr") domainEnglishFormat.kif 9012-9012
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AttrFn "attr") domainEnglishFormat.kif 9011-9011
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AttrFn "attr") domainEnglishFormat.kif 9010-9010


        (equal ?X
            (AttrFn ?CLASS ?ATTR))
        (instance ?I ?X))
        (instance ?I ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?X ?CLASS)
        (attribute ?I ?ATTR)))
Merge.kif 1780-1788
        (instance ?O OccupationalRole)
        (typicalAction ?PCLASS
            (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?O)))
    (exists (?X ?T ?P ?PT)
            (instance ?X CognitiveAgent)
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?X ?O))
            (instance ?P ?PCLASS)
            (agent ?X ?P)
            (time ?P ?PT)
            (temporalPart ?PT ?T))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22312-22325
        (instance ?OCCD OccupationalDomain)
        (instance ?X
            (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?OCCD)))
    (exists (?PCLASS)
            (typicalAction ?PCLASS
                (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?OCCD))
            (hasPurpose ?X
                (exists (?P)
                        (instance ?P ?PCLASS)
                        (agent ?X ?P)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22332-22345
    (instance ?X
        (AttrFn ?CLASS ?ATTR))
        (instance ?X ?CLASS)
        (attribute ?X ?ATTR)))
Merge.kif 1790-1795


    (instance ?X DifferentialEquation)
    (instance ?X
        (AttrFn Equation DifferentialAttribute)))
engineering.kif 155-157 An entity is an instance of differential equation if and only if the entity is an instance of the attr of equation and differential attribute
        (instance ?OCCD OccupationalDomain)
        (instance ?X
            (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?OCCD)))
    (exists (?PCLASS)
            (typicalAction ?PCLASS
                (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?OCCD))
            (hasPurpose ?X
                (exists (?P)
                        (instance ?P ?PCLASS)
                        (agent ?X ?P)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22332-22345
        (instance ?X ?CLASS)
        (attribute ?X ?ATTR))
    (instance ?X
        (AttrFn ?CLASS ?ATTR)))
Merge.kif 1797-1802
    (instance ?O OccupationalRole)
    (exists (?PCLASS)
        (typicalAction ?PCLASS
            (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?O))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22306-22310

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