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Sigma KEE - Graph
Graph(graph)Cartesian_coordinate_system, bus, bus_topology, coordinate_system, exponential_curve, frame_of_reference, inertial_frame, inertial_reference_frame, logical_topology, loop, loop_topology, mesh, mesh_topology, physical_topology, profile, reference_frame, reference_system, star, star_topology

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Graph ChineseLanguage "这是图的 Class,我们可以把图理解成一组由 GraphArc 联系 的 GraphNode。注:这个 Class 只包括连通图,即是两个 GraphNode 之间有一个 GraphPath 的图, 也要注意的是每一个 Graph 需要拥有起码两个 GraphArc 和三个 GraphNode。") chinese_format.kif 2323-2325
(documentation Graph EnglishLanguage "The Class of graphs, where a graph is understood to be a set of GraphNodes connected by GraphArcs. Note that this Class includes only connected graphs, i.e. graphs in which there is a GraphPath between any two GraphNodes. Note too that every Graph is required to contain at least two GraphArcs and three GraphNodes.") Merge.kif 5625-5629
(documentation Graph JapaneseLanguage "グラフの Clas は、グラフが GraphArcs によって接続 された GraphNode のセットであると理解される。注1:この Class には、接続されたグラフのみが含ま れる。 すなわち、グラフは、任意の2つの間にあるGraphPath内にある。注2:すべての Graph には 少なくとも2つの GraphArcs と 3つの GraphNodes が含まれている必要がある。") japanese_format.kif 996-999
(subclass Graph Proposition) Merge.kif 5623-5623 Graph is a subclass of proposition

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass DirectedGraph Graph) Merge.kif 5669-5669 Directed graph is a subclass of graph
(subclass MultiGraph Graph) Merge.kif 5772-5772 Multi graph is a subclass of graph
(subclass PseudoGraph Graph) Merge.kif 5802-5802 Pseudo graph is a subclass of graph
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Graph "图") chinese_format.kif 933-933
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Graph "graph") english_format.kif 1073-1073
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Graph "graph") french_format.kif 609-609
(termFormat Hindi Graph "aalekha") terms-hindi.txt 140-140
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Graph "Grafo") terms-it.txt 143-143
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Graph "グラフ") japanese_format.kif 2294-2294
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Graph "Grafo") portuguese_format.kif 561-561
(termFormat cb Graph "agi") terms-cb.txt 145-145
(termFormat cz Graph "graph") terms-cz.txt 177-177
(termFormat ro Graph "graf") relations-ro.kif 630-630
(termFormat tg Graph "talaguhitan") terms-tg.txt 144-144

appearance as argument number 3

(domain CutSetFn 1 Graph) Merge.kif 6072-6072 The number 1 argument of cut set is an instance of graph
(domain MinimalCutSetFn 1 Graph) Merge.kif 6080-6080 The number 1 argument of minimal cut set is an instance of graph
(domain graphMeasure 1 Graph) Merge.kif 6150-6150 The number 1 argument of graph measure is an instance of graph
(domain graphPart 2 Graph) Merge.kif 5890-5890 The number 2 argument of graph part is an instance of graph
(domain subGraph 1 Graph) Merge.kif 5899-5899 The number 1 argument of sub graph is an instance of graph
(domain subGraph 2 Graph) Merge.kif 5900-5900 The number 2 argument of sub graph is an instance of graph


        (instance ?GRAPH Graph)
        (instance ?NODE1 GraphNode)
        (instance ?NODE2 GraphNode)
        (graphPart ?NODE1 ?GRAPH)
        (graphPart ?NODE2 ?GRAPH)
            (equal ?NODE1 ?NODE2)))
    (exists (?ARC ?PATH)
            (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC)
                (subGraph ?PATH ?GRAPH)
                (instance ?PATH GraphPath)
                            (BeginNodeFn ?PATH) ?NODE1)
                            (EndNodeFn ?PATH) ?NODE2))
                            (BeginNodeFn ?PATH) ?NODE2)
                            (EndNodeFn ?PATH) ?NODE1)))))))
Merge.kif 5631-5651
    (instance ?GRAPH Graph)
    (exists (?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?NODE3 ?ARC1 ?ARC2)
            (graphPart ?NODE1 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?NODE2 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?NODE3 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?ARC1 ?GRAPH)
            (graphPart ?ARC2 ?GRAPH)
            (links ?NODE1 ?NODE2 ?ARC1)
            (links ?NODE2 ?NODE3 ?ARC2)
                (equal ?NODE1 ?NODE2))
                (equal ?NODE2 ?NODE3))
                (equal ?NODE1 ?NODE3))
                (equal ?ARC1 ?ARC2)))))
Merge.kif 5653-5667
    (instance ?GRAPH Graph)
        (MinimalCutSetFn ?GRAPH)
        (CutSetFn ?GRAPH)))
Merge.kif 6088-6090


    (instance ?PART GraphElement)
    (exists (?GRAPH)
            (instance ?GRAPH Graph)
            (graphPart ?PART ?GRAPH))))
Merge.kif 5826-5831
    (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
    (exists (?G)
            (instance ?G Graph)
            (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS))))
Transportation.kif 2884-2889

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