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Sigma KEE - ContinentalBreakfast
ContinentalBreakfast(continental breakfast)continental_breakfast, petit_dejeuner

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ContinentalBreakfast EnglishLanguage "ContinentalBreakfast refers to food that is normally served during BreakfastTime in NorthAmerica or Europe. Typical items include coffee, tea, fruit juice, fruit, and baked goods such as bread, muffins, and pastries, along with packets of butter and jam. [wikipedia]") Food.kif 1719-1722
(subAttribute ContinentalBreakfast Breakfast) Food.kif 1718-1718 Continental breakfast is a subattribute of breakfast

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage ContinentalBreakfast "continental breakfast") Food.kif 1723-1723


    (attribute ?MEAL ContinentalBreakfast)
        (equal ContinentalBreakfast
            (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL NorthAmerica))
        (equal ContinentalBreakfast
            (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL Europe))))
Food.kif 1725-1729


        (instance ?M Meal)
        (member ?H ?M)
            (instance ?H Coffee)
            (instance ?H Tea))
        (member ?J ?M)
        (instance ?J Juice)
        (member ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B BreadOrBiscuit)
        (member ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B Butter)
        (member ?JA ?M)
        (instance ?JA Jam))
    (attribute ?M ContinentalBreakfast))
Food.kif 1731-1746
    (attribute ?MEAL ContinentalBreakfast)
        (equal ContinentalBreakfast
            (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL NorthAmerica))
        (equal ContinentalBreakfast
            (MealAttributeFn ?MEAL Europe))))
Food.kif 1725-1729
    (instance ?X MealPlanContinental)
    (includedMeal ?X ContinentalBreakfast))
Hotel.kif 1619-1621

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