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Sigma KEE - actionTendency

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation actionTendency EnglishLanguage "A tendency of an emotion to cause a particular type of action.") emotion.kif 158-159
(domain actionTendency 1 EmotionalState) emotion.kif 156-156 The number 1 argument of action tendency is an instance of emotional state
(domainSubclass actionTendency 2 EmotionalBehavioralProcess) emotion.kif 157-157 The number 2 argument of action tendency is a subclass of emotional behavioral process
(instance actionTendency BinaryPredicate) emotion.kif 155-155 action tendency is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage actionTendency "action tendency") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65773-65773


        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A ?ES))
        (actionTendency ?ES ?PI))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P ?PI)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)
                (experiencer ?P ?A))) Likely))
emotion.kif 161-172

appearance as argument number 0

(actionTendency Anger AngryFacialExpression) emotion.kif 186-186 action tendency anger and angry facial expression
(actionTendency Disgust DisgustedFacialExpression) emotion.kif 182-182 action tendency disgust and disgusted facial expression
(actionTendency Fear FearfulFacialExpression) emotion.kif 183-183 action tendency angst and fearful facial expression
(actionTendency Grief Weeping) emotion.kif 175-175 action tendency grief and weeping
(actionTendency Happiness HappyFacialExpression) emotion.kif 184-184 action tendency happiness and happy facial expression
(actionTendency Happiness Laughing) emotion.kif 176-176 action tendency happiness and laughing
(actionTendency Happiness Smiling) emotion.kif 177-177 action tendency happiness and smiling
(actionTendency Sadness SadFacialExpression) emotion.kif 185-185 action tendency sadness and sad facial expression
(actionTendency Surprise JawDropping) emotion.kif 179-179 action tendency surprise and jaw dropping
(actionTendency Surprise OpeningEyesWidely) emotion.kif 180-180 action tendency surprise and opening eyes widely
(actionTendency Surprise RaisingEyebrows) emotion.kif 181-181 action tendency surprise and raising eyebrows
(actionTendency Surprise SurprisedFacialExpression) emotion.kif 174-174 action tendency surprise and surprised facial expression
(actionTendency Unhappiness Frowning) emotion.kif 178-178 action tendency unhappiness and frowning

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