No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
naics.kif 2717-2728 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
naics.kif 2563-2581 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9891-9914 |
- If a real number pound force(s) is equal to The Janka Hardness of a kind of botanical tree is,
- then the statement there exist an entity, another entity,, , a third entity,, , a fourth entity,, , a fifth entity and a sixth entity such that the entity is an instance of a kind of botanical tree and the other entity is a part of the entity and the other entity is an instance of wood and the third entity is an instance of pushing and the third entity ends up at the other entity and the fourth entity is an instance of ball and steel is made of the fourth entity and the fourth entity is a patient of the third entity and the radius of the fourth entity is 5.64 millimeter(s) and the fifth entity is a result of the third entity and the fifth entity is an instance of hole and the fifth entity is a part of the other entity and the sixth entity is a surface of the other entity and the distance between the sixth entity and the fifth entity is 5.64 millimeter(s) and the measure of the third entity is the real number pound force(s) has the modal force of likely
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26892-26899 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Food.kif 2139-2141 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4495-4497 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Merge.kif 15273-15275 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4748-4750 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Cars.kif 1409-1411 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Geography.kif 4801-4809 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Food.kif 2410-2415 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Food.kif 1279-1283 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31737-31739 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Food.kif 3580-3582 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Food.kif 641-643 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
engineering.kif 1139-1144 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15727-15729 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17985-17987 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3019-3021 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Cars.kif 1695-1700 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Food.kif 2500-2505 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Cars.kif 4490-4492 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3593-3598 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Geography.kif 4466-4468 |
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5938-5940 |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |