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Sigma KEE - subclass

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation subclass ChineseLanguage "(subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) 的意思是 ?CLASS1 是 ?CLASS2 的 subclass,也就是说, ?CLASS1 的每一个 instance 同时也是 ?CLASS2 的一个 instance。一个 Class 可以具有多个超类别和子类别。") chinese_format.kif 1371-1373
(documentation subclass EnglishLanguage "(subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) means that ?CLASS1 is a subclass of ?CLASS2, i.e. every instance of ?CLASS1 is also an instance of ?CLASS2. A Class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses.") Merge.kif 133-135
(documentation subclass JapaneseLanguage "(subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) とは、?CLASS1 が?CLASS2の subclass である、という意味である。例えば、?CLASS1のすべての instance も?CLASS2 の instance である。") japanese_format.kif 27-29
(documentation subclass SpanishLanguage "(subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) quiere decir que ?CLASS1 es una subclass de ?CLASS2, por ejemplo, cada instance de ?CLASS1 es también una instance de ?CLASS2. Una Class puede tener varias superclases y subclases.") spanish_format.kif 28-30
(domain subclass 1 Class) Merge.kif 131-131 The number 1 argument of subclass is an instance of class
(domain subclass 2 Class) Merge.kif 132-132 The number 2 argument of subclass is an instance of class
(instance subclass BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 129-129 subclass is an instance of binary predicate
(instance subclass ClosedWorldPredicate) Merge.kif 18557-18557 subclass is an instance of ClosedWorldPredicate
(instance subclass PartialOrderingRelation) Merge.kif 130-130 subclass is an instance of partial ordering relation

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage subclass "%1 %n 是 %2 的 subclass") chinese_format.kif 319-319
(format EnglishLanguage subclass "%1 is %n a subclass of %2") english_format.kif 324-324
(format FrenchLanguage subclass "%1 est %n une sous-classe de %2") french_format.kif 182-182
(format ItalianLanguage subclass "%1 è %n una sottoclasse di %2") relations-it.txt 271-271
(format JapaneseLanguage subclass "%1 は %2 の subclass では %n") japanese_format.kif 2002-2002
(format PortugueseLanguage subclass "%1 e' %n uma sub-classe de %2") portuguese_format.kif 134-134
(format cz subclass "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} podt��dou %2") relations-cz.txt 175-175
(format de subclass "%1 ist eine teilkategorie von %2") relations-de.txt 419-419
(format hi subclass "%1 %2 kaa upavarga %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 308-308
(format ro subclass "%1 %n{nu} este o subclass%t{subclasã} a lui %2") relations-ro.kif 202-202
(format sv subclass "%1 är %n{inte} en subclass till %2") relations-sv.txt 192-192
(format tg subclass "%1 %n ay ang klase mas tiyak sa %2") relations-tg.txt 463-463
(subrelation subField subclass) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21629-21629 sub field is a subrelation of subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage subclass "子类") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55739-55739 sub field is a subrelation of subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage subclass "子类别") chinese_format.kif 320-320 sub field is a subrelation of subclass
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage subclass "子類") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55738-55738 sub field is a subrelation of subclass
(termFormat EnglishLanguage subclass "subclass") domainEnglishFormat.kif 55737-55737 sub field is a subrelation of subclass


        (attribute ?H1 ADHD)
            (attribute ?H2 ADHD))
            (equal ?H1 ?H2))
        (instance ?I1 ?IC)
        (instance ?I2 ?IC)
        (subclass ?IC IntentionalPsychologicalProcess)
        (agent ?I1 ?H1)
        (agent ?I2 ?H2)
            (WhenFn ?I1) ?D1)
            (WhenFn ?I2) ?D2))
        (greaterThan ?D2 ?D1) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3972-3992
        (attribute ?ROOM Oversized)
        (immediateInstance ?ROOM ?HOTELUNIT)
        (subclass ?HOTELUNIT HotelUnit))
    (exists (?NORMAL ?AREA1 ?AREA2 ?U)
            (immediateInstance ?NORMAL ?HOTELUNIT)
            (instance ?U UnitOfArea)
            (measure ?NORMAL
                (MeasureFn ?AREA1 ?U))
            (measure ?ROOM
                (MeasureFn ?AREA2 ?U))
            (instance ?AREA1 AreaMeasure)
            (instance ?AREA2 AreaMeasure)
            (greaterThan ?AREA2 ?AREA1))))
Hotel.kif 1186-1201
        (attribute ?X Writer)
        (instance ?TEXT ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Text)
            (subclass ?CLASS Document))
        (instance ?WRITE Writing)
        (agent ?WRITE ?X)
        (result ?WRITE ?TEXT))
    (authors ?X ?CLASS))
Biography.kif 730-740
        (biochemicalAgentDelivery ?AGENT ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?PROCESS))
    (biochemicalAgentDelivery ?AGENT ?SUB))
WMD.kif 789-793
        (biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?ORGANISM)
        (subclass ?SUB ?ORGANISM))
    (biologicalAgentCarrier ?AGENT ?SUB))
WMD.kif 976-980
        (capability ?PC ?ROLE ?MV)
        (subclass ?PC Shooting))
    (exists (?WEAPON)
            (instance ?WEAPON Weapon)
            (part ?WEAPON ?MV)
            (capability ?PC ?ROLE ?WEAPON))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 48-56
        (commemoratesDate ?HOLIDAY
            (DayFn ?DAY
                (MonthFn ?MONTH
                    (YearFn ?YEAR))))
        (instance ?DATE ?HOLIDAY)
        (subclass ?HOLIDAY FixedHoliday)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?YEAR ?LATER_YEAR))
    (instance ?DATE
        (DayFn ?DAY
            (MonthFn ?MONTH
                (YearFn ?LATER_YEAR)))))
Government.kif 583-589
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (propertyAmenity ?AGENT ?PHYS)
        (subclass ?PHYS Object)
        (instance ?X ?PHYS))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                    (resource ?PROC ?X)
                    (instrument ?PROC ?X)
                    (patient ?PROC ?X))
                    (agent ?PROC ?CUST)
                    (experiencer ?PROC ?CUST)))) ?AGENT ?CUST))
Hotel.kif 504-520
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (propertyAmenity ?AGENT ?PHYS)
        (subclass ?PHYS Process))
        (exists (?S ?LOC ?PROC)
                (element ?LOC
                    (PropertyFn ?AGENT))
                (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                (patient ?S ?CUST)
                    (instance ?S ?PHYS)
                        (instance ?PROC ?PHYS)
                        (subProcess ?S ?PROC)))
                (located ?S ?LOC))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 522-538
        (defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1))
        (subclass ?UNITCLASS NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure)
        (instance ?UNIT1 ?UNITCLASS))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2))
                (instance ?UNIT2 ?UNITCLASS)
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                    (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1)))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13765-13776
        (defaultMinimumMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1))
        (subclass ?UNITCLASS NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure)
        (instance ?UNIT1 ?UNITCLASS))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2))
                (instance ?UNIT2 ?UNITCLASS)
                (lessThan ?QUANTITY ?Q))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13734-13745
        (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?PROCESS))
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?SUB))
WMD.kif 957-961
        (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?SUBSTANCE))
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUB ?PROCESS))
WMD.kif 963-967
        (electricityConsumptionInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD)
            (subclass ?PERIOD Year)
            (subclass ?PERIOD
                (FiscalYearFn ?AREA))))
    (exists (?YEAR)
            (instance ?YEAR ?PERIOD)
            (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (annualElectricityConsumption ?AREA ?AMOUNT)))))
Economy.kif 2227-2236
        (electricityExportInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD)
            (subclass ?PERIOD Year)
            (subclass ?PERIOD
                (FiscalYearFn ?AREA))))
    (exists (?YEAR)
            (instance ?YEAR ?PERIOD)
            (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (annualElectricityExport ?AREA ?AMOUNT)))))
Economy.kif 2271-2280
        (electricityImportInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD)
            (subclass ?PERIOD Year)
            (subclass ?PERIOD
                (FiscalYearFn ?AREA))))
    (exists (?YEAR)
            (instance ?YEAR ?PERIOD)
            (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (annualElectricityImport ?AREA ?AMOUNT)))))
Economy.kif 2317-2326
        (electricityProductionInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD)
            (subclass ?PERIOD Year)
            (subclass ?PERIOD
                (FiscalYearFn ?AREA))))
    (exists (?YEAR)
            (instance ?YEAR ?PERIOD)
            (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (annualElectricityProduction ?AREA ?AMOUNT)))))
Economy.kif 2095-2104
        (equal ?AF
            (OrganicObjectFn ?F))
        (subclass ?AF AnimalFat)
        (subclass ?F FatTissue))
    (initialPart ?F Animal))
Food.kif 2876-2882
        (equal ?B
            (OrganicObjectFn ?P))
        (subclass ?B CoffeeBean)
        (subclass ?P Seed))
    (initialPart ?P CoffeePlant))
Economy.kif 4744-4749
        (equal ?C
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?C CocoaBean)
        (subclass ?S Seed))
    (initialPart ?S CocoaTree))
Economy.kif 4808-4814
        (equal ?CLASS1
            (ReceivingAnObjectFn ?OBJCLASS1))
        (equal ?CLASS2
            (ReceivingAnObjectFn ?OBJCLASS2))
        (subclass ?OBJCLASS1 ?OBJCLASS2))
    (subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
Media.kif 195-200
        (equal ?DEP
            (DepartmentOfPreventingFn ?COMP ?PHYS))
        (subclass ?PHYS Process)
        (subOrganization ?DEP ?COMP))
    (inhibits ?DEP ?PHYS))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18691-18696
        (equal ?M
            (OrganicObjectFn ?A))
        (subclass ?M Meat))
    (subclass ?A Animal))
Economy.kif 5060-5065
        (equal ?M
            (OrganicObjectFn ?G))
        (subclass ?M Malt)
        (subclass ?G CerealGrain))
    (initialPart ?G CerealGrass))
Economy.kif 4281-4287
        (equal ?O
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?O OilFromPlant)
            (subclass ?S Seed)
            (subclass ?S Fruit)))
    (exists (?P)
            (subclass ?P FloweringPlant)
            (initialPart ?S ?P))))
Economy.kif 4647-4658

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        (applicableRelation ?O ?R)
        (instance ?O ?OC)
        (domain ?R 1 ?DC))
        (equal ?OC ?DC)
        (subclass ?OC ?DC)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31685-31692
        (attribute ?X DutyFree)
        (instance ?X Store))
    (exists (?AREA ?OBJ ?O ?SELL)
            (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (located ?X ?AREA)
            (subclass ?O Object)
            (importCommodityType ?AREA ?O)
            (instance ?OBJ ?O)
            (instance ?SELL Selling)
            (patient ?SELL ?OBJ)
            (located ?SELL ?X))))
Hotel.kif 1478-1491
        (birthdate ?A ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?CLASS ?FUTURE)
            (birthday ?A ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Day)
            (instance ?FUTURE Integer)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?FUTURE))))
            (greaterThan ?FUTURE ?Y))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24556-24566
        (domain ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS1)
        (domain ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS2))
        (subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)
        (subclass ?CLASS2 ?CLASS1)))
Merge.kif 221-227
        (domainSubclass ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ROW))
            (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER) ?CLASS))
Merge.kif 3006-3011
        (domainSubclass ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS1)
        (domainSubclass ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS2))
        (subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)
        (subclass ?CLASS2 ?CLASS1)))
Merge.kif 244-250
        (equal ?CLASS1
            (ReceivingAnObjectFn ?OBJCLASS1))
        (equal ?CLASS2
            (ReceivingAnObjectFn ?OBJCLASS2))
        (subclass ?OBJCLASS1 ?OBJCLASS2))
    (subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
Media.kif 195-200
        (equal ?M
            (OrganicObjectFn ?A))
        (subclass ?M Meat))
    (subclass ?A Animal))
Economy.kif 5060-5065
        (equal ?O
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?O OilFromPlant)
            (subclass ?S Seed)
            (subclass ?S Fruit)))
    (exists (?P)
            (subclass ?P FloweringPlant)
            (initialPart ?S ?P))))
Economy.kif 4647-4658
        (equal ?P
            (OrganicObjectFn ?ORG))
        (subclass ?P Object))
        (subclass ?ORG Organism)
        (subclass ?ORG AnatomicalStructure)))
Economy.kif 5373-5380
        (equal ?P
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?P Pelt))
    (subclass ?S Skin))
Economy.kif 5147-5151
        (equal ?W
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?W WoodProduct)
        (subclass ?S PlantStem))
    (exists (?T)
            (subclass ?T BotanicalTree)
            (initialPart ?S ?T))))
Economy.kif 5350-5359
        (equal ?X
            (AttrFn ?CLASS ?ATTR))
        (instance ?I ?X))
        (instance ?I ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?X ?CLASS)
        (attribute ?I ?ATTR)))
Merge.kif 1779-1787
        (instance ?A AegilopsGrass)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (instance ?C ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS DiploidCell))
Economy.kif 3955-3960
        (instance ?C CommonWheatGrass)
        (part ?CELL ?C)
        (instance ?CELL ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS HexaploidCell))
Economy.kif 4078-4083
        (instance ?C SpeltWheatGrass)
        (part ?CELL ?C)
        (instance ?CELL ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS HexaploidCell))
Economy.kif 4108-4113
        (instance ?DECIDE Deciding)
        (agent ?DECIDE ?AGENT)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (patient ?DECIDE ?S)
        (element ?M ?S))
    (believes ?AGENT
        (exists (?CLASS)
                (instance ?M ?CLASS)
                (subclass ?CLASS IntentionalProcess)
                (capability ?CLASS agent ?AGENT)))))
Merge.kif 12070-12082
        (instance ?E DurumWheatGrass)
        (part ?C ?E)
        (instance ?C ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS TetraploidCell))
Economy.kif 4019-4024
        (instance ?E EinkornWheatGrass)
        (part ?C ?E)
        (instance ?E ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS DiploidCell))
Economy.kif 4049-4054
        (instance ?E EmmerWheatGrass)
        (part ?C ?E)
        (instance ?C ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS TetraploidCell))
Economy.kif 3987-3992
        (instance ?E TriticumUrartu)
        (part ?C ?E)
        (instance ?E ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS DiploidCell))
Economy.kif 4063-4068
        (instance ?F Felling)
        (result ?F ?S))
    (exists (?STEM)
            (instance ?S
                (DeadFn ?STEM))
            (subclass ?STEM PlantStem))))
Economy.kif 5600-5608
        (instance ?H Harvesting)
        (result ?H ?O))
    (exists (?ORG)
            (instance ?O
                (DeadFn ?ORG))
            (subclass ?ORG OrganicObject))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18374-18382
        (instance ?HP HearingProtection)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (wears ?PERSON ?HP))
    (hasPurpose ?HP
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?SOUND ?HEAR ?HUMAN ?T)
                                    (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                                    (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                                    (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                                    (patient ?HEAR ?SOUND)
                                    (experiencer ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                                    (causes ?HEAR ?I)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?HUMAN)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)
                (instrument ?PROC ?HP)))))
Cars.kif 3508-3537
        (instance ?MENU AlcoholMenu)
        (catalogItem ?X ?MENU))
    (subclass ?X AlcoholicBeverage))
Dining.kif 219-223

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    (FitForMilitaryServiceMaleFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (subclass ?PROCESS MilitaryProcess)
                (fitForMilitaryService ?PERSON ?PROCESS)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (age ?PERSON ?AGE)
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 886-897 The fit for military service male of a geopolitical area is equal to the number of instances in the class described by a symbolic string
(exists (?T)
        (subclass ?T HandToolBox)
        (manufacturer ?T SortimoCorp)))
Cars.kif 5170-5173 There exists a kind of object such that a kind of object is a subclass of tool box and the maker of the kind of object is Sortimo Corporation

appearance as argument number 0

(subclass AAM AirAttackMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1170-1170 Air_to_air missile is a subclass of air attack missile
(subclass AAM AirLaunchMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1169-1169 Air_to_air missile is a subclass of air launch missile
(subclass AAM GuidedMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1171-1171 Air_to_air missile is a subclass of guided missile
(subclass AAV AmphibiousVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 1647-1647 Amphibious Assault Vehicle is a subclass of amphibious vehicle
(subclass AAV MilitaryVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 1646-1646 Amphibious Assault Vehicle is a subclass of military vehicle
(subclass AAV PassengerVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 1648-1648 Amphibious Assault Vehicle is a subclass of passenger vehicle
(subclass AAV PoweredVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 1649-1649 Amphibious Assault Vehicle is a subclass of powered vehicle
(subclass ABranchOfDorsalPrimaryDivisionOfSuboccipitalNerve Nerve) Muscles.kif 778-778 A branch of dorsal primary division of suboccipital nerve is a subclass of nerve
(subclass ACPowerSource PowerSource) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26651-26651 Ac power source is a subclass of power source
(subclass ADHD PsychologicalDysfunction) Medicine.kif 3281-3281 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a subclass of psychological dysfunction
(subclass AGM AirLaunchMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1123-1123 AG m is a subclass of air launch missile
(subclass AGM GroundAttackMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1124-1124 AG m is a subclass of ground attack missile
(subclass AGM114 AGM) MilitaryDevices.kif 1203-1203 AG m114 is a subclass of AG m
(subclass AGM114 AntiArmorWeapon) MilitaryDevices.kif 1205-1205 AG m114 is a subclass of anti armor weapon
(subclass AGM114 BeamRidingGMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1204-1204 AG m114 is a subclass of beam ridingG missile
(subclass AGM65 AGM) MilitaryDevices.kif 1136-1136 AG m65 is a subclass of AG m
(subclass AGM65 AntiArmorWeapon) MilitaryDevices.kif 1138-1138 AG m65 is a subclass of anti armor weapon
(subclass AGM65 InfraRedGMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1137-1137 AG m65 is a subclass of infra redG missile
(subclass AH1 Helicopter) MilitaryDevices.kif 1889-1889 A h1 is a subclass of helicopter
(subclass AH1 MilitaryVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 1890-1890 A h1 is a subclass of military vehicle
(subclass AIM9 AAM) MilitaryDevices.kif 1177-1177 AI m9 is a subclass of air_to_air missile
(subclass AIM9 InfraRedGMissile) MilitaryDevices.kif 1178-1178 AI m9 is a subclass of infra redG missile
(subclass AMEV Ambulance) MilitaryDevices.kif 2130-2130 M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle is a subclass of ambulance
(subclass AMEV LandVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 2129-2129 M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle is a subclass of land vehicle
(subclass AMEV MilitaryVehicle) MilitaryDevices.kif 2128-2128 M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle is a subclass of military vehicle

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