realization |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation realization ChineseLanguage "这是 represents 的一个子关系, (realization ?PROCESS ?PROP) 的意思是 ?PROCESS 是一个表达 ?PROP 内容的过程。例子包括:一个演绎 一分乐谱内容的特定音乐表演,或是讀一首诗。") | chinese_format.kif 2198-2200 | |
(documentation realization EnglishLanguage "A subrelation of represents. (realization ?PROCESS ?PROP) means that ?PROCESS is a Process which expresses the content of ?PROP. Examples include a particular musical performance, which realizes the content of a musical score, or the reading of a poem.") | Merge.kif 4600-4604 | |
(documentation realization JapaneseLanguage "represents の サブリレーション。(realization ?PROCESS ?PROP) とは、PROCESS が ?PROPP の内容を表すプロセスであることを意味する。 例:楽譜の 内容や詩の読み取りを実現する特定の音楽パフォーマンスなど。") | japanese_format.kif 862-864 | |
(domain realization 1 Process) | Merge.kif 4595-4595 | The number 1 argument of realization is an instance of process |
(domain realization 2 Proposition) | Merge.kif 4596-4596 | The number 2 argument of realization is an instance of proposition |
(instance realization AsymmetricRelation) | Merge.kif 4594-4594 | realization is an instance of asymmetric relation |
(relatedInternalConcept realization containsInformation) | Merge.kif 4598-4598 | realization is internally related to contains information |
(relatedInternalConcept realization equivalentContentInstance) | Merge.kif 4597-4597 | realization is internally related to equivalent content instance |
(subrelation realization represents) | Merge.kif 4593-4593 | realization is a subrelation of represents |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage realization "%1 %n{doesn't} 表示 %2 的内容") | chinese_format.kif 223-223 | |
(format EnglishLanguage realization "%1 %n{doesn't} express%p{es} the content of %2") | english_format.kif 224-224 | |
(format FrenchLanguage realization "%1 %n{n'} exprime %n{pas} le contenu de %2") | french_format.kif 131-131 | |
(format ItalianLanguage realization "%1 esprime il contenuto di %2") | relations-it.txt 242-242 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage realization "%1 は %2 の内容を express%p{es} %n{ない}") | japanese_format.kif 1960-1960 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage realization "%1 %n{nao} exprime %n o conteudo de %2") | portuguese_format.kif 83-83 | |
(format de realization "%1 druekt den Inhalt von %2 aus") | relations-de.txt 290-290 | |
(format hi realization "%1 %2 ke aadheya ko abhivyakta karataa hai") | relations-hindi.txt 280-280 | |
(format ro realization "%1 %n{nu} express%t{materializeazã} conþinutul lui %2") | relations-ro.kif 150-150 | |
(format sv realization "%1 uttrycker %n{inte} innehållet i %2") | relations-sv.txt 136-136 | |
(format tg realization "%1 ay nagtatanto ng %2") | relations-tg.txt 434-434 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage realization "体现") | chinese_format.kif 224-224 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage realization "实现") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 48949-48949 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage realization "實現") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 48948-48948 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage realization "realization") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 48947-48947 | |
(termFormat de realization "realizierung") | terms-de.txt 93-93 |
antecedent |
consequent |