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Sigma KEE - possesses

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation possesses ChineseLanguage "这是一个属于一个 Agent 和一个 ObjectRelation,当这个 Agent 拥有这个 Object 时,这段关系就成立了。 ") chinese_format.kif 2133-2134
(documentation possesses EnglishLanguage "Relation that holds between an AutonomousAgent and an Object when the AutonomousAgent has ownership of the Object. Note that this is distinct from having the right to use or be located at a particular object, for example, by Renting.") Merge.kif 4248-4251
(documentation possesses JapaneseLanguage "Relationは、AgentObject の所有権を持つ 場合に AgentObject の間に保持される 。") japanese_format.kif 788-789
(domain possesses 1 AutonomousAgent) Merge.kif 4245-4245 The number 1 argument of possesses is an instance of agent
(domain possesses 2 Object) Merge.kif 4246-4246 The number 2 argument of possesses is an instance of object
(instance possesses AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 4244-4244 possesses is an instance of asymmetric relation
(instance possesses BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 4243-4243 possesses is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage possesses "%1 %n{doesn't} possesses %2") chinese_format.kif 171-171
(format EnglishLanguage possesses "%1 %n{doesn't} possess%p{es} %2") english_format.kif 172-172
(format FrenchLanguage possesses "%1 %n{ne} poss�de %n{pas} %2") french_format.kif 105-105
(format ItalianLanguage possesses "%1 %n{non} possiede%p{es} %2") relations-it.txt 224-224
(format JapaneseLanguage possesses "%1 は %2 を possess%p{es} %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 1934-1934
(format PortugueseLanguage possesses "%1 %n{nao} possui %n %2") portuguese_format.kif 57-57
(format cz possesses "%1 %n{doesn't} posess%p{es} %2") relations-cz.txt 135-135
(format de possesses "%1 besitzt %2 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 212-212
(format hi possesses "%1 %2 kaa svaamii %n{nahiin} hai") relations-hindi.txt 262-262
(format ro possesses "%1 %n{nu} posess%t{deþine} %2") relations-ro.kif 124-124
(format sv possesses "%1 har %n{inte} %2") relations-sv.txt 107-107
(format tg possesses "%1 %n ay mayroon %2") relations-tg.txt 416-416
(relatedInternalConcept ChangeOfPossession possesses) Merge.kif 11698-11698 Change of possession is internally related to possesses
(subrelation financialAsset possesses) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24173-24173 financial asset is a subrelation of possesses
(subrelation hasAccount possesses) QoSontology.kif 2174-2174 has account is a subrelation of possesses
(termFormat ChineseLanguage possesses "") chinese_format.kif 172-172 has account is a subrelation of possesses
(termFormat ChineseLanguage possesses "拥有") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46835-46835 has account is a subrelation of possesses
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage possesses "擁有") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46834-46834 has account is a subrelation of possesses
(termFormat EnglishLanguage possesses "possesses") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46833-46833 has account is a subrelation of possesses
(termFormat de possesses "besitzt") terms-de.txt 66-66 has account is a subrelation of possesses


        (instance ?Account FinancialAccount)
        (possesses ?Agent ?Asset)
        (equal ?Account
            (AccountFn ?Asset)))
    (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2321-2326 A financial account is an instance of financial account and a cognitive agent possesses a financial asset and the financial account is equal to the account of the financial asset if and only if the cognitive agent holds account the financial account
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (employs ?AGENT ?X)
        (attribute ?AGENT TravelerAccommodation)
        (attribute ?X Porter)
        (possesses ?CUST ?LUGGAGE)
        (instance ?LUGGAGE TravelContainer))
    (exists (?ROOM ?CARRY)
            (instance ?ROOM HotelUnit)
            (instance ?CARRY Carrying)
            (agent ?CARRY ?X)
                (destination ?CARRY ?ROOM)
                (origin ?CARRY ?ROOM)))))
Hotel.kif 2392-2407
        (freeFunctionRoomAmenity ?FR ?PHYS)
        (instance ?RM ?FR)
        (element ?RM
            (PropertyFn ?AGENT))
        (instance ?R Renting)
        (patient ?R ?RM)
        (destination ?R ?CUST)
        (instance ?X ?PHYS)
        (possesses ?AGENT ?X)
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
                (instance ?X Process)
                    (agent ?X ?CUST)
                    (experiencer ?X ?CUST)))
                (possesses ?AGENT ?X)
                (instance ?X Object)
                (uses ?X ?CUST))))
    (price ?X
        (MeasureFn 0 UnitedStatesDollar) ?AGENT))
Hotel.kif 841-862
        (freePropertyAmenity ?AGENT ?PHYS)
        (instance ?X ?PHYS)
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
                (instance ?X Process)
                    (agent ?X ?CUST)
                    (experiencer ?X ?CUST)))
                (possesses ?AGENT ?X)
                (instance ?X Object)
                (uses ?X ?CUST))))
    (price ?X
        (MeasureFn 0 UnitedStatesDollar) ?AGENT))
Hotel.kif 546-561
        (hasAccount ?U ?AC)
        (password ?P ?AC)
        (deviceAccount ?AC ?D)
            (knows ?U
                (password ?P ?AC)))
        (knows ?U
            (recoveryKey ?S ?AC))
        (possesses ?U ?D))
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C ChangingPassword)
                (patient ?C ?AC)
                (agent ?C ?U))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 4427-4444
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (possesses ?PERSON ?OBJ))
        (part ?P ?OBJ))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (possesses ?PERSON ?P)))
Merge.kif 4257-4263
        (instance ?AOC AOCnumber)
        (instance ?AIRLINE Airline)
        (possesses ?AIRLINE ?AOC))
        (exists (?AIR)
                (instance ?AIR AirTransportationService)
                (serviceProvider ?AIR ?AIRLINE))) FederalAviationAdministration ?AIRLINE))
Transportation.kif 4088-4098
        (instance ?Bond Bond)
        (couponInterest ?Bond ?Interest)
        (possesses ?BondHolder ?Bond))
    (exists (?Period ?Payment)
                (AccountFn ?Bond) ?Interest ?Period)
            (destination ?Payment ?BondHolder))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2270-2278
        (instance ?Bond SecuredBond)
        (securedBy ?Bond ?Security)
        (possesses ?Agent ?Bond)
        (instance ?Default FinancialDefault)
        (patient ?Default ?Bond))
            (WhenFn ?Default))
        (possesses ?Agent ?Security)))
FinancialOntology.kif 2397-2406
        (instance ?Bond ZeroCouponBond)
            (AccountFn ?Bond) ?Date)
        (possesses ?BondHolder ?Bond)
            (AccountFn ?Bond)
            (MeasureFn ?Principal ?CUNIT))
            (AccountFn ?Bond) ?Period)
            (AccountFn ?Bond)
            (MeasureFn ?Interest ?CUNIT) ?Period)
        (equal ?Total
            (AdditionFn ?Principal ?Interest)))
    (exists (?Payment)
            (instance ?Payment Payment)
            (destination ?Payment ?BondHolder)
            (origin ?Payment
                (AccountFn ?Bond))
            (transactionAmount ?Payment
                (MeasureFn ?Total ?CUNIT)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2333-2355
        (instance ?C FamilyBusiness)
        (possesses ?P1 ?C)
        (possesses ?P2 ?C))
    (familyRelation ?P1 ?P2))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7487-7492
        (instance ?CHANGE ChangeOfPossession)
        (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ)
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT1 ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT2 ?OBJ)))
        (equal ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2)))
Merge.kif 11703-11710
        (instance ?Card CreditCard)
        (possesses ?Agent ?Card))
    (exists (?Account)
            (instance ?Account CreditCardAccount)
            (cardAccount ?Card ?Account)
            (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))))
FinancialOntology.kif 218-226
        (instance ?Card DebitCard)
        (possesses ?Agent ?Card)
        (instance ?Transaction FinancialTransaction)
        (instrument ?Transaction ?Card))
    (exists (?PIN ?Enter)
            (pin ?PIN ?Card)
            (instance ?Enter EnteringAPin)
            (patient ?Enter ?PIN)
            (agent ?Enter ?Agent))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3543-3554
        (instance ?Card DebitCard)
        (possesses ?Agent ?Card))
    (exists (?Account)
            (instance ?Account DepositAccount)
            (cardAccount ?Card ?Account)
            (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))))
FinancialOntology.kif 203-211
        (instance ?DEGREE AcademicDegree)
        (possesses ?AGENT ?DEGREE))
    (exists (?PROGRAM ?STUDY)
            (instance ?PROGRAM EducationalProgram)
            (realization ?STUDY ?PROGRAM)
            (experiencer ?STUDY ?AGENT))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16764-16772
        (instance ?DEVICE FaxMachine)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (deviceTelecomNumber ?NUMBER ?DEVICE)
                (possesses ?AGENT ?DEVICE))))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (faxNumber ?NUMBER ?AGENT)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25478-25485
        (instance ?DEVICE Telephone)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (possesses ?AGENT ?DEVICE)
                (deviceTelecomNumber ?NUMBER ?DEVICE))))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (telephoneNumber ?NUMBER ?AGENT)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25327-25334
        (instance ?F Facility)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?F MilitarilySecure))
        (instance ?MF MilitaryForce)
        (possesses ?MF ?F))
        (exists (?A ?E)
                (instance ?A Attack)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?A))
                (destination ?A ?F)
                (agent ?A ?E)
                (enemy ?MF ?E)))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2849-2863
        (instance ?F Facility)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?F MilitarilySecure))
        (instance ?MF MilitaryForce)
        (possesses ?MF ?F))
        (exists (?E)
                (enemy ?MF ?E)
                (holdsDuring ?T
                        (located ?E ?F)
                            (attribute ?E PrisonerOfWar))))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2865-2880
        (instance ?FLEET Fleet)
        (fleetSize ?AGENT ?NUM)
        (possesses ?AGENT ?FLEET))
    (memberCount ?FLEET ?NUM))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3521-3526
        (instance ?INTERNAL InternalShipRegister)
        (possesses ?AREA ?INTERNAL))
    (instance ?AREA Nation))
Transportation.kif 1176-1180
        (instance ?ITEM Object)
        (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
        (instance ?OWNER AutonomousAgent)
        (attribute ?LISTING ForSaleByOwner)
        (possesses ?OWNER ?ITEM))
    (instance ?OWNER Human))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 381-388
        (instance ?L DriversLicense)
        (possesses ?A ?L))
    (confersNorm ?L
        (exists (?D ?V)
                (instance ?D Driving)
                (agent ?D ?A)
                (patient ?D ?V)
                (instance ?V RoadVehicle))) Permission))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17132-17143
        (instance ?NATIONAL NationalShipRegister)
        (possesses ?AREA ?NATIONAL))
    (instance ?AREA Nation))
Transportation.kif 1126-1130

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


    (accountAtSite ?ACCT ?SITE)
    (exists (?DATABASE ?SITE_OWNER)
            (instance ?DATABASE Database)
            (instance ?SITE_OWNER AutonomousAgent)
            (possesses ?SITE_OWNER ?SITE)
            (possesses ?SITE_OWNER ?DATABASE)
            (part ?ACCT ?DATABASE))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 632-640
        (attribute ?C Collectible)
        (hasPurpose ?C ?P))
    (exists (?H ?P2)
            (instance ?H Human)
            (wants ?H ?C)
            (desires ?H ?P2)
            (entails ?P2
                (possesses ?H ?C))
                (equal ?P ?P2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29823-29835
        (attribute ?X BlueforceControlled)
        (instance ?X Object))
    (exists (?A)
            (instance ?A GovernmentOrganization)
            (possesses ?A ?X)
                (subOrganization ?A
                    (GovernmentFn UnitedStates))
                (allied ?A
                    (GovernmentFn UnitedStates))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2825-2837
        (attribute ?X Waiter)
        (instance ?X Human)
        (employs ?REST ?X)
        (instance ?REST Restaurant)
        (customer ?CUST ?REST)
        (located ?CUST ?TABLE)
        (instance ?TABLE Table))
    (exists (?DINING ?C ?FOOD ?KITCHEN)
            (possesses ?REST ?KITCHEN)
            (instance ?KITCHEN KitchenArea)
            (instance ?DINING DiningArea)
            (located ?TABLE ?DINING)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                    (instance ?C Carrying)
                    (agent ?C ?X)
                    (origin ?C ?KITCHEN)
                    (destination ?C ?TABLE)
                    (patient ?C ?FOOD)
                    (instance ?FOOD
                        (FoodForFn Human)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20891-20913
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (possesses ?PERSON ?OBJ))
        (part ?P ?OBJ))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (possesses ?PERSON ?P)))
Merge.kif 4257-4263
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (MerchantMarineFn ?AREA) MerchantMarine))
    (possesses ?AREA
        (MerchantMarineFn ?AREA)))
Transportation.kif 978-982
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (ShipRegisterFn ?AREA) ShipRegister))
    (possesses ?AREA
        (ShipRegisterFn ?AREA)))
Transportation.kif 1139-1143
        (instance ?B Bequeathing)
        (agent ?B ?P)
        (destination ?B ?H)
        (objectTransferred ?B ?PROP))
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D Death)
            (experiencer ?D ?P)
                (WhenFn ?D)
                (WhenFn ?B))
                    (WhenFn ?D))
                (possesses ?P ?PROP))
            (confersNorm ?P
                (possesses ?H ?PROP) Permission))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18969-18985
        (instance ?Bond SecuredBond)
        (securedBy ?Bond ?Security)
        (possesses ?Agent ?Bond)
        (instance ?Default FinancialDefault)
        (patient ?Default ?Bond))
            (WhenFn ?Default))
        (possesses ?Agent ?Security)))
FinancialOntology.kif 2397-2406
        (instance ?CHANGE ChangeOfPossession)
        (origin ?CHANGE ?AGENT1)
        (destination ?CHANGE ?AGENT2)
        (instance ?AGENT1 AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?AGENT2 AutonomousAgent)
        (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT1 ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT2 ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 11712-11722
        (instance ?DESTR PreciseDestruction)
        (agent ?DESTR ?AGENT))
    (exists (?WEAPON)
            (possesses ?AGENT ?WEAPON)
            (instrument ?DESTR ?WEAPON)
            (instance ?WEAPON HighPrecisionWeapon))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 601-609
        (instance ?INHERIT Inheriting)
        (agent ?INHERIT ?HEIR)
        (origin ?INHERIT ?PERSON)
        (patient ?INHERIT ?PROPERTY))
    (exists (?DEATH)
            (instance ?DEATH Death)
            (experiencer ?DEATH ?PERSON)
                (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                (WhenFn ?INHERIT))
                    (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                (possesses ?PERSON ?PROPERTY))
                (possesses ?HEIR ?PROPERTY) ?PERSON ?HEIR))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18911-18929
        (instance ?Loan Loan)
        (securedBy ?Loan ?Security)
        (lender ?Loan ?Bank)
        (instance ?Default FinancialDefault)
        (patient ?Default ?Loan))
            (WhenFn ?Default))
        (possesses ?Bank ?Security)))
FinancialOntology.kif 1334-1343
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG AirTransportationIndustry))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?FLY ?PLANE ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?FLY Transportation)
                                    (patient ?FLY ?P)
                                        (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                        (patient ?FLY ?OBJ)
                                        (instance ?OBJ Object)))
                                (possesses ?ORG ?PLANE)
                                (instance ?PLANE Aircraft))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 7953-7978
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG CouriersAndMessengers))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P ?OBJ)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?OBJ Object)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?TRANS)
                                (instance ?TRANS Transportation)
                                (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8736-8756
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG PipelineTransportation))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?T ?V ?OBJ ?PIPE)
                                (instance ?T Transportation)
                                (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                (patient ?T ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?OBJ Substance)
                                (possesses ?ORG ?V)
                                (instrument ?T ?PIPE)
                                (instance ?PIPE Pipeline))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8465-8488
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG PostalService))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P ?OBJ)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?OBJ Object)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?TRANS)
                                (instance ?TRANS Transportation)
                                (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8707-8727
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG RailTransportation))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?MOVE ?RR ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?MOVE Transportation)
                                    (patient ?MOVE ?P)
                                        (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                        (patient ?MOVE ?OBJ)
                                        (instance ?OBJ Object)))
                                (possesses ?ORG ?RR)
                                (instance ?RR RailVehicle))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8034-8059
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ScenicAndSightseeingTransportation))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?TRANS ?VEH)
                                (instance ?TRANS Transportation)
                                (instance ?TRANS RecreationOrExercise)
                                (patient ?TRANS ?P)
                                (possesses ?ORG ?VEH)
                                (instance ?VEH Vehicle))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8528-8549
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG TransitAndGroundPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?T ?V)
                                (instance ?T Transportation)
                                (patient ?T ?P)
                                (possesses ?ORG ?V)
                                (instance ?V LandVehicle))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8344-8364
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG TruckTransportation))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?T ?V ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?T Transportation)
                                (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                (patient ?T ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?OBJ Object)
                                (possesses ?ORG ?V)
                                (instance ?V LandVehicle))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8253-8275
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG WarehousingAndStorage))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P ?OBJ)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?OBJ Object)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?B ?T)
                                (instance ?T TimeInterval)
                                (instance ?B Building)
                                (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                (holdsDuring ?T
                                    (located ?B ?OBJ)))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8776-8797
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG WaterTransportationIndustry))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?T ?V ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?T Transportation)
                                    (patient ?T ?P)
                                        (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                        (patient ?T ?OBJ)
                                        (instance ?OBJ Object)))
                                (possesses ?ORG ?V)
                                (instance ?V WaterVehicle))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8080-8105
        (instance ?PURSUE Pursuing)
        (agent ?PURSUE ?AGENT)
        (patient ?PURSUE ?OBJ))
    (holdsDuring ?PURSUE
            (possesses ?AGENT ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 12948-12953
        (instance ?S Saving)
        (patient ?S ?O)
        (agent ?S ?A))
    (exists (?Q1 ?Q2 ?U)
            (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
                    (WhenFn ?S))
                (monetaryValue ?O
                    (MeasureFn ?Q1 ?U)))
                    (WhenFn ?S))
                (monetaryValue ?O
                    (MeasureFn ?Q2 ?U)))
            (possesses ?A ?O)
            (lessThan ?Q1 ?Q2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24148-24165

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