(instance ?ANI Animal)
(instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
(attribute ?ANI ?D)))
(exists (?P ?W)
(instance ?P BiologicalProcess)
(instance ?P Removing)
(origin ?P ?ANI)
(instance ?W Sewage)
(agent ?P ?ANI)
(objectTransferred ?P ?W)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2155-2168 |
(instance ?AS AutomobileShock)
(instance ?C Compressing)
(instance ?H HoleRegion)
(attribute ?F Fluid)
(equal ?AS
(HoleHostFn ?H))
(contains ?AS ?F)
(patient ?C ?AS))
(exists (?T)
(instance ?T Transfer)
(objectTransferred ?T ?F)
(path ?T ?H)
(causes ?C ?T)))) |
Cars.kif 871-885 |
(instance ?BI BreakthroughInfection)
(objectTransferred ?BI ?V)
(instance ?V ?VC)
(experiencer ?BI ?H))
(exists (?VAX)
(instance ?VAX Vaccination)
(experiencer ?VAX ?H)
(objectTransferred ?VAX ?VACCINE)
(WhenFn ?VAX)
(WhenFn ?BI))))) |
Medicine.kif 3167-3182 |
(instance ?C Coughing)
(experiencer ?C ?H))
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?R ?L ?O ?T)
(instance ?L Lung)
(instance ?T Throat)
(instance ?O Object)
(instance ?R Removing)
(part ?L ?H)
(part ?T ?H)
(objectTransferred ?R ?O)
(WhenFn ?C))
(located ?O ?T)
(located ?O ?L))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6050-6069 |
(instance ?C Crying)
(experiencer ?C ?H))
(exists (?T ?E)
(instance ?T TearSubstance)
(origin ?C ?E)
(objectTransferred ?C ?T)
(instance ?E Eye)
(part ?E ?H)))) |
emotion.kif 1129-1139 |
(instance ?C Sneezing)
(experiencer ?C ?H))
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?R ?N ?NOSE ?O)
(instance ?N NasalCavity)
(instance ?NOSE Nose)
(equal ?NOSE
(HoleHostFn ?N))
(instance ?O Object)
(instance ?R Removing)
(part ?NOSE ?H)
(objectTransferred ?R ?O)
(WhenFn ?C))
(located ?O ?N)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6116-6134 |
(instance ?DUSTSTORM DustStorm)
(instance ?WIND Wind)
(subProcess ?DUSTSTORM ?WIND))
(instance ?A1 LandArea)
(eventLocated ?WIND ?A1)
(surfaceWindSpeed ?A1
(MeasureFn ?STRONG KnotUnitOfSpeed))
(greaterThan ?STRONG 30.0)
(instance ?TRANSLOCATE Translocation)
(objectTransferred ?TRANSLOCATE ?PM)
(objectTransferred ?TRANSLOCATE ?SAND)
(instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
(instance ?SAND Sand)
(instance ?A2 LandArea)
(destination ?TRANSLOCATE ?A2)
(overlapsSpatially ?A1 ?A2))))) |
Weather.kif 1259-1280 |
- If a process is an instance of dust storm and another process is an instance of wind and the process is a subprocess of the other process,
- then there exist a transfer, an object,, , another object,, , a third object,, , a fourth object and a real number such that the third object is an instance of land area and the other process is located at the third object and the real number knot unit of speed(s) is a surface wind speed of the third object and the real number is greater than 30.0 and the transfer is an instance of translocation and the transfer is a subprocess of the process and the object transferred in the transfer is the object and the object transferred in the transfer is the other object and the object is an instance of PM and the other object is an instance of sand and the fourth object is an instance of land area and the transfer ends up at the fourth object and the third object and the fourth object doesn't overlapsSpatially
(instance ?HA HeartAttack)
(instance ?H Heart)
(located ?HA ?H))
(exists (?M)
(instance ?M Muscle)
(part ?M ?H)
(exists (?BF ?B)
(instance ?BF LiquidMotion)
(objectTransferred ?BF ?B)
(instance ?B Blood)
(during ?BF
(WhenFn ?HA))
(destination ?BF ?M))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11586-11603 |
(instance ?HA Stroke)
(instance ?H Brain)
(located ?HA ?H))
(exists (?M)
(instance ?M NerveCell)
(part ?M ?H)
(exists (?BF ?B)
(instance ?BF LiquidMotion)
(objectTransferred ?BF ?B)
(instance ?B Blood)
(during ?BF
(WhenFn ?HA))
(destination ?BF ?M))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12133-12150 |
(instance ?LECS AirEngineCoolingSystem)
(instance ?C Cooling)
(instrument ?C ?LECS))
(exists (?A)
(instance ?A Air)
(objectTransferred ?C ?A)))) |
Cars.kif 2166-2174 |
(instance ?LECS LiquidEngineCoolingSystem)
(instance ?C Cooling)
(instrument ?C ?LECS))
(exists (?L)
(attribute ?L Liquid)
(objectTransferred ?C ?L)))) |
Cars.kif 2150-2158 |
(instance ?M MoveToEvac)
(objectTransferred ?M ?P))
(hasPurpose ?M
(exists (?E)
(instance ?E Evacuation)
(objectTransferred ?E ?P)
(WhenFn ?M)
(WhenFn ?E)))))) |
Medicine.kif 6516-6527 |
(instance ?P Prescription)
(instance ?M Medicine)
(refers ?P ?M))
(exists (?PHARM ?S)
(instance ?S Selling)
(objectTransferred ?S ?M)
(agent ?S ?PHARM)
(attribute ?S Pharmacist)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9496-9506 |
(instance ?S Speaking)
(instance ?J Jaw)
(agent ?S ?H)
(part ?J ?H))
(exists (?M)
(instance ?M BodyMotion)
(objectTransferred ?M ?J)
(WhenFn ?M)
(WhenFn ?S)))) Likely)) |
Anatomy.kif 1664-1676 |
(instance ?S Swallowing)
(agent ?S ?H))
(exists (?M ?E ?ST ?O)
(instance ?M Mouth)
(instance ?E Esophagus)
(instance ?ST Stomach)
(objectTransferred ?S ?O)
(origin ?S ?M)
(destination ?S ?ST)
(path ?S ?E)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6589-6601 |
(instance ?SPIT Drooling)
(experiencer ?SPIT ?ANIMAL))
(exists (?MOUTH ?S)
(instance ?MOUTH Mouth)
(objectTransferred ?SPIT ?S)
(instance ?S Saliva)
(origin ?SPIT ?MOUTH)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6561-6571 |
(instance ?SU SoftwareUpgrading)
(patient ?SU ?C)
(instance ?C Computer))
(exists (?P)
(objectTransferred ?SU ?P)
(instance ?P ComputerProgram)
(WhenFn ?SU)
(softwareVersion ?P PreviousVersion)))
(WhenFn ?SU)
(softwareVersion ?P CurrentVersion)))))) |
ComputingBrands.kif 3826-3840 |
(instance ?T Thoracentesis)
(patient ?T ?H))
(exists (?I ?O ?IN ?L ?C ?F)
(instance ?I Inserting)
(subProcess ?I ?T)
(objectTransferred ?I ?N)
(origin ?I ?O)
(destination ?I ?IN)
(instance ?N Needle)
(attribute ?F Fluid)
(objectTransferred ?T ?F)
(destination ?F ?O)
(instance ?L Lung)
(instance ?C Chest)
(part ?L ?H)
(part ?C ?H)
(origin ?T ?IN)
(destination ?T ?O)
(between ?L ?IN ?C)
(orientation ?O ?H Outside)))) |
Medicine.kif 883-905 |
- If a transfer is an instance of needle decompression and an object is a patient of the transfer,
- then there exist another transfer, another object,, , the other transferN,, , a fourth object,, , a fifth object and a sixth object such that the other transfer is an instance of inserting and the other transfer is a subprocess of the transfer and the object transferred in the other transfer is a seventh object and the other transfer originates at the other object and the other transfer ends up at the other transferN and the seventh object is an instance of needle and fluid is an attribute of the sixth object and the object transferred in the transfer is the sixth object and the sixth object ends up at the other object and the fourth object is an instance of lung and the fifth object is an instance of chest and the fourth object is a part of the object and the fifth object is a part of the object and the transfer originates at the other transferN and the transfer ends up at the other object and the other transferN is between the fourth object and the fifth object and the other object is outside to the object
(instance ?T Transfer)
(objectTransferred ?T ?O)
(orientation ?O2 ?O Inside))
(objectTransferred ?T ?O2)) |
Merge.kif 11408-11413 |
(instance ?T Transfer)
(objectTransferred ?T ?O)
(orientation ?O2 ?O On))
(objectTransferred ?T ?O2)) |
Merge.kif 11415-11420 |
(property ?X Booting)
(instance ?X Computer))
(exists (?CD ?OS ?DT)
(instance ?CD DigitalData)
(instance ?OS OperatingSystem)
(instance ?DT DataTransfer)
(WhenFn ?DT)
(WhenFn ?X))
(destination ?DT ?X)
(part ?CD ?OS)
(objectTransferred ?DT ?CD)))) |
ComputingBrands.kif 3217-3229 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N Integer))
(desires ?A
(exists (?B ?G)
(instance ?B Buying)
(WhenFn ?B) ?T)
(objectTransferred ?B ?G)
(transactionAmount ?B ?C)
(agent ?B ?A)
(instance ?G Collection)
(memberType ?G ?O)
(memberCount ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31245-31260 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N Integer))
(exists (?B ?G)
(instance ?B Buying)
(WhenFn ?B) ?T)
(objectTransferred ?B ?G)
(transactionAmount ?B ?C)
(agent ?B ?A)
(instance ?G Collection)
(memberType ?G ?O)
(memberCount ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31212-31227 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
(desires ?A
(exists (?B ?G)
(instance ?B Buying)
(WhenFn ?B) ?T)
(objectTransferred ?B ?G)
(transactionAmount ?B ?C)
(agent ?B ?A)
(instance ?G ?O)
(measure ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31262-31276 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N PhysicalQuantity))
(exists (?B ?G)
(instance ?B Buying)
(WhenFn ?B) ?T)
(objectTransferred ?B ?G)
(transactionAmount ?B ?C)
(agent ?B ?A)
(instance ?G ?O)
(measure ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31229-31243 |
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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |