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Sigma KEE - Possibility
Possibility(possibility)avertable, avertible, avoidable, conceivably, contingent, evitable, impossible, insurmountable, latent, possible, potential, unachievable, unattainable, undoable, unrealizable, unsurmountable, unthinkable

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Possibility ChineseLanguage "这是指应用于有可能出现 Proposition 的属性,即是 它起码会在一个世界上实现。") chinese_format.kif 3889-3890
(documentation Possibility EnglishLanguage "Attribute that applies to Propositions that are possible, i.e. true in at least one possible world.") Merge.kif 17486-17487
(instance Possibility AlethicAttribute) Merge.kif 17485-17485 Possibility is an instance of alethic attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Possibility "可能性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46841-46841
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Possibility "可能性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46840-46840
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Possibility "possibility") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46839-46839


    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Necessity)
            (not ?FORMULA) Possibility)))
Merge.kif 17493-17495 The statement a formula has the modal force of necessity if and only if the statement the formula doesn't have the modal force of possibility
        (attribute ?D DeviceDamaged)
        (hasPurpose ?D ?F))
        (modalAttribute ?F Possibility)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29774-29779
        (attribute ?D DeviceNormal)
        (hasPurpose ?D ?F))
    (modalAttribute ?F Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29747-29751
        (attribute ?H ?D)
        (diseaseTreatment ?D ?P)
        (instance ?TP TherpeuticProcess)
        (agent ?TP ?DOC)
        (patient ?TP ?H)
        (attribute ?DOC MedicalDoctor))
        (instance ?TP ?P) Possibility))
Medicine.kif 5812-5822
        (attribute ?X CommunalAttribute)
        (instance ?X Table)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?GRP1)
        (instance ?GRP1 GroupOfPeople)
        (eventLocated ?E1 ?X))
        (exists (?GRP2 ?E2 ?X2)
                (instance ?E2 Eating)
                (agent ?E2 ?GRP2)
                    (equal ?GRP1 ?GRP2))
                (instance ?GRP2 GroupOfPeople)
                (eventLocated ?E2 ?X2)
                    (WhenFn ?E1)
                    (WhenFn ?E2))
                (equal ?X ?X2))) Possibility))
Dining.kif 1207-1224
        (attribute ?X Multilingual)
        (instance ?SPEAK Speaking)
        (agent ?SPEAK ?X))
        (exists (?LANG1 ?LANG2)
                (instance ?LANG1 SpokenHumanLanguage)
                (instance ?LANG2 SpokenHumanLanguage)
                    (equal ?LANG1 ?LANG2))
                    (patient ?SPEAK ?LANG1)
                    (patient ?SPEAK ?LANG2)))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26044-26057
        (attribute ?X WheelchairAccessible)
            (instance ?X Building)
            (instance ?X Room)))
        (exists (?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                (instrument ?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair)
                (eventLocated ?MOTION ?X))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26455-26467
        (capability ValetParking agent ?AGENT)
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (located ?AGENT ?LOC)
        (instance ?D Arriving)
        (agent ?D ?CUST)
        (patient ?D ?VEHICLE)
        (destination ?D ?LOC))
    (exists (?VALET)
            (occupiesPosition ?VALET Valet ?AGENT)
                (exists (?VP ?PARK)
                        (instance ?VP ValetParking)
                        (agent ?VP ?VALET)
                        (patient ?VP ?VEHICLE)
                        (destination ?VP ?PARK)
                        (instance ?PARK ParkingRegion))) Possibility))))
TransportDetail.kif 157-176
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (propertyAmenity ?AGENT ?PHYS)
        (subclass ?PHYS Process))
        (exists (?S ?LOC ?PROC)
                (element ?LOC
                    (PropertyFn ?AGENT))
                (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                (patient ?S ?CUST)
                    (instance ?S ?PHYS)
                        (instance ?PROC ?PHYS)
                        (subProcess ?S ?PROC)))
                (located ?S ?LOC))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 522-538
        (employs ?HOTEL ?ATHLETE)
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation)
        (attribute ?ATHLETE TennisProfessional)
        (guest ?CUST ?HOTEL))
        (exists (?TENNIS ?LOC)
                (instance ?TENNIS Tennis)
                (contestParticipant ?TENNIS ?ATHLETE)
                (contestParticipant ?TENNIS ?CUST)
                (located ?TENNIS ?LOC)
                (located ?HOTEL ?LOC))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 1522-1535
        (employs ?ORG ?CO)
        (instance ?D DoNetworkMessaging)
        (result ?D ?MSG)
        (attribute ?MSG NSFW)
        (instance ?S Seeing)
        (patient ?S ?MSG)
        (agent ?S ?CO))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (causes ?S ?PROC)
                (suffers ?PROC ?CO))) Possibility))
Medicine.kif 3028-3042
        (facility ?AGENT ?OBJ)
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (instance ?X ?OBJ)
        (desires ?CUST
            (exists (?PROC)
                    (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess)
                    (patient ?PROC ?X)
                    (agent ?PROC ?CUST)))))
            (uses ?X ?CUST) ?AGENT ?CUST) Possibility))
Dining.kif 336-350
        (functionRoomAmenity ?FR ?PHY)
        (instance ?RM ?FR)
        (element ?RM
            (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
        (instance ?RENT Renting)
        (patient ?RENT ?RM)
        (agent ?RENT ?HOTEL)
        (destination ?RENT ?CUST)
        (subclass ?PHY Object))
        (exists (?O ?P)
                (instance ?O ?PHY)
                (instance ?P Process)
                    (resource ?P ?O)
                    (instrument ?P ?O)
                    (patient ?P ?O))
                    (agent ?P ?CUST)
                    (experiencer ?P ?CUST)))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 811-832
        (governmentType ?PLACE Monarchy)
        (instance ?MONARCH Human)
        (instance ?SUCCESSOR Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (chiefOfState ?PLACE ?ROLE ?MONARCH))
        (familyRelation ?MONARCH ?SUCCESSOR)
        (earlier ?T1 ?T2))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
            (chiefOfState ?PLACE ?ROLE ?SUCCESSOR)) Possibility))
Government.kif 223-234
        (hasAccount ?U ?AC)
        (password ?P ?AC)
        (deviceAccount ?AC ?D)
            (knows ?U
                (password ?P ?AC)))
        (knows ?U
            (recoveryKey ?S ?AC))
        (possesses ?U ?D))
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C ChangingPassword)
                (patient ?C ?AC)
                (agent ?C ?U))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 4427-4444
        (instance ?A Anaphylaxis)
        (experiencer ?A ?H))
        (exists (?D)
                (instance ?D Death)
                (experiencer ?D ?H)
                (causes ?A ?D))) Possibility))
Medicine.kif 1533-1543
        (instance ?BS1 BodySegment)
        (instance ?BS2 BodySegment)
        (connected ?BS1 ?BS2)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (moves ?BM ?BS1))
            (exists (?BM2)
                    (instance ?BM2 BodyMotion)
                    (moves ?BM2 ?BS2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM))))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10795-10811
        (instance ?C Carabiner)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?C DeviceClosed)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?R)
                    (instance ?R ClimbingRope)
                    (contains ?C ?R))) Possibility)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31104-31115
        (instance ?LI LoggingIn)
        (hasAccount ?U ?A)
        (accountAtSite ?A ?S)
        (equal ?T
                (WhenFn ?LI)))
        (agent ?LI ?U))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                    (agent ?P ?U)
                    (patient ?P ?S)))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 3972-3986
        (instance ?LI LoggingIn)
        (hasAccount ?U ?A)
        (deviceAccount ?A ?C)
        (equal ?T
                (WhenFn ?LI)))
        (agent ?LI ?U))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                    (agent ?P ?U)
                    (instrument ?P ?C)))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 3988-4002
        (instance ?P Poison)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (moves ?I ?P)
        (experiencer ?I ?H))
                (WhenFn ?I))
            (attribute ?H Blind)) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8842-8853
        (instance ?POLICY ChildrenPolicy)
        (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY)
        (policyLocationCoverage ?POLICY ?LOC))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                (exists (?CUST1)
                        (customer ?CUST1 ?AGENT)
                        (instance ?CUST1 HumanChild))) Possibility))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                    (exists (?CUST2)
                            (customer ?CUST2 ?AGENT)
                            (instance ?CUST2 HumanChild))) Possibility)))))
Hotel.kif 2535-2553
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instance ?P1 Transitway)
        (path ?T ?P1)
        (conveyance ?T ?V)
        (instance ?J TransitwayJunction)
        (part ?J ?P1))
    (exists (?P2 ?M)
            (instance ?P2 Transitway)
                (equal ?P1 ?P2))
            (connects ?J ?P1 ?P2)
            (capability Transfer path ?J)
            (instance ?M Transfer)
            (conveyance ?M ?V)
                (WhenFn ?T)
                (WhenFn ?M))
                (path ?M ?P2) Possibility))))
Transportation.kif 3816-3836
        (instance ?VEHICLE CargoVehicle)
        (instance ?O Human))
            (exists (?T)
                    (instance ?T Transportation)
                    (patient ?T ?O)
                    (instrument ?T ?VEHICLE))) Possibility)))
Transportation.kif 1906-1916
        (instance ?VEHICLE PassengerVehicle)
        (instance ?HUMAN Human))
        (exists (?T)
                (instance ?T Transportation)
                (patient ?T ?HUMAN)
                (instrument ?T ?VEHICLE))) Possibility))
Transportation.kif 1888-1898

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