(attribute ?X ?ATTR)
(instance ?ATTR SizeAttribute))
(instance ?X Object)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25642-25646 |
(attribute ?X DutyFree)
(instance ?X Store))
(exists (?AREA ?OBJ ?O ?SELL)
(instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
(located ?X ?AREA)
(subclass ?O Object)
(importCommodityType ?AREA ?O)
(instance ?OBJ ?O)
(instance ?SELL Selling)
(patient ?SELL ?OBJ)
(located ?SELL ?X)))) |
Hotel.kif 1478-1491 |
(holdsDuring ?T1
(attribute ?PERSON DislocatedCivilian)
(located ?RESIDENCE ?PLACE)))
(instance ?PLACE GeographicArea)
(instance ?T1 TimeInterval))
(instance ?T0 TimeInterval)
(earlier ?T0 ?T1)
(instance ?PRIOR_RES Object)
(instance ?PRIOR_PLACE GeopoliticalArea)
(geographicSubregion ?PLACE ?PRIOR_PLACE))
(geographicSubregion ?PRIOR_PLACE ?PLACE))
(holdsDuring ?T0
(inhabits ?PERSON ?PRIOR_RES))))) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 26-47 |
(instance ?C Choking)
(experiencer ?C ?H))
(exists (?O ?T ?L)
(instance ?O Object)
(instance ?T Trachea)
(instance ?L Lung)
(part ?T ?H)
(part ?L ?H)
(WhenFn ?C)
(located ?O ?T)
(located ?O ?L)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11972-11987 |
(instance ?C Coughing)
(experiencer ?C ?H))
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?R ?L ?O ?T)
(instance ?L Lung)
(instance ?T Throat)
(instance ?O Object)
(instance ?R Removing)
(part ?L ?H)
(part ?T ?H)
(objectTransferred ?R ?O)
(WhenFn ?C))
(located ?O ?T)
(located ?O ?L))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6050-6069 |
(instance ?C Sneezing)
(experiencer ?C ?H))
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?R ?N ?NOSE ?O)
(instance ?N NasalCavity)
(instance ?NOSE Nose)
(equal ?NOSE
(HoleHostFn ?N))
(instance ?O Object)
(instance ?R Removing)
(part ?NOSE ?H)
(objectTransferred ?R ?O)
(WhenFn ?C))
(located ?O ?N)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6116-6134 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG AirTransportationIndustry))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?FLY ?PLANE ?OBJ)
(instance ?FLY Transportation)
(patient ?FLY ?P)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?FLY ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Object)))
(possesses ?ORG ?PLANE)
(instance ?PLANE Aircraft))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 7953-7978 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG BuildingMaterialAndGardenEquipmentAndSuppliesDealers))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?THING)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?THING Object)
(capability Constructing resource ?THING)
(capability Agriculture resource ?THING))
(patient ?EV ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 7242-7257 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG CouriersAndMessengers))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P ?OBJ)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?OBJ Object)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?TRANS)
(instance ?TRANS Transportation)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?TRANS ?OBJ))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8736-8756 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG GeneralMerchandiseStores))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?THING ?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(instance ?THING Object)
(destination ?EV ?P)
(patient ?EV ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 7702-7716 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG MiscellaneousManufacturing))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
(instance ?EV Manufacture)
(instance ?THING Object)
(patient ?EV ?THING)
(member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
(instance ?EV2 Selling)
(agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
(patient ?EV2 ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 6153-6169 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG MiscellaneousStoreRetailers))
(exists (?EV ?MEM ?THING ?ST ?P)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?EV ?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(instance ?ST RetailStore)
(eventLocated ?EV ?ST)
(instance ?THING Object)
(patient ?EV ?THING)))) |
naics.kif 7752-7765 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG NonstoreRetailers))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?THING ?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(instance ?THING Object)
(eventLocated ?EV RetailStore))
(destination ?EV ?P)
(patient ?EV ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 7877-7893 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG PostalService))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P ?OBJ)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?OBJ Object)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?TRANS)
(instance ?TRANS Transportation)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?TRANS ?OBJ))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8707-8727 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG RailTransportation))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?MOVE ?RR ?OBJ)
(instance ?MOVE Transportation)
(patient ?MOVE ?P)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?MOVE ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Object)))
(possesses ?ORG ?RR)
(instance ?RR RailVehicle))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8034-8059 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG SportingGoodsHobbyBookAndMusicStores))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?THING)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?THING Object)
(capability Sport instrument ?THING)
(capability MakingMusic instrument ?THING)
(instance ?THING Book)
(instance ?THING MusicRecording)
(instance ?THING MusicText))
(patient ?EV ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 7600-7618 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG TruckTransportation))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?T ?V ?OBJ)
(instance ?T Transportation)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?T ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Object)
(possesses ?ORG ?V)
(instance ?V LandVehicle))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8253-8275 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG WarehousingAndStorage))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P ?OBJ)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?OBJ Object)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?B ?T)
(instance ?T TimeInterval)
(instance ?B Building)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(holdsDuring ?T
(located ?B ?OBJ)))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8776-8797 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG WaterTransportationIndustry))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?P)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?P Human)
(patient ?EV ?P)
(exists (?T ?V ?OBJ)
(instance ?T Transportation)
(patient ?T ?P)
(possesses ?P ?OBJ)
(patient ?T ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Object)))
(possesses ?ORG ?V)
(instance ?V WaterVehicle))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8080-8105 |
(instance ?ORG Organization)
(attribute ?ORG WholesaleTrade))
(exists (?EV ?MEM)
(member ?MEM ?ORG)
(agent ?MEM ?EV)
(exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
(instance ?EV Selling)
(instance ?THING Object)
(patient ?EV ?THING)
(member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
(instance ?EV2 Selling)
(agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
(patient ?EV2 ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 6375-6391 |
(instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
(instance ?SITE WebSite)
(component ?PAGE ?SITE))
(instance ?ITEM Object)
(instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
(component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
(patient ?ADVERTISING ?ITEM)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2065-2076 |
(instance ?REPAYMENT Repayment)
(instance ?REPAYMENT_ORIGIN Object)
(instance ?PAYMENT Payment)
(instance ?PAYMENT_ORIGIN Object)
(instance ?PAYMENT_DESTINATION Object)
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1883-1900 |
(instance ?S Searching)
(patient ?S ?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ Physical))
(exists (?LOC ?AGENT)
(instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent)
(agent ?S ?AGENT)
(instance ?LOC Object)
(located ?OBJ ?LOC)
(hasPurposeForAgent ?S
(knows ?AGENT
(located ?OBJ ?LOC)) ?AGENT)))) |
Merge.kif 13040-13053 |
(instance ?X Argument)
(instance ?R Reasoning)
(instance ?A Archeology)
(subProposition ?X ?A)
(realization ?R ?X))
(exists (?D ?S ?O ?T ?W ?L)
(instance ?D Discovering)
(instance ?O Object)
(patient ?D ?O)
(refers ?R ?D)
(WhenFn ?D)
(WhenFn ?R))
(age ?O
(MeasureFn ?T YearDuration))
(greaterThan ?T 50)
(WhenFn ?D))
(surface ?S ?W)
(instance ?W BodyOfWater)
(orientation ?O ?S Below))
(surface ?S ?L)
(instance ?L LandArea)
(orientation ?O ?S Below))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21437-21467 |
- If a proposition is an instance of argument and a process is an instance of reasoning and another proposition is an instance of archeology and the proposition is a sub_proposition of the other proposition and the process expresses the content of the proposition,
- then there exist another process, an entity,, , a physical,, , a real number,, , another entity and a third entity such that the other process is an instance of discovering and the physical is an instance of object and the physical is a patient of the other process and the process includes a reference to the other process and the time of existence of the other process happens earlier than the time of existence of the process and the age of the physical is the real number year duration(s) and the real number is greater than 50 and the entity is a surface of the other entity and the other entity is an instance of body of water and the physical is below to the entity or the entity is a surface of the third entity and the third entity is an instance of land area and the physical is below to the entity holds during immediately before the time of existence of the other process
(instance ?X Region)
(attribute ?X Vacuum))
(exists (?O)
(instance ?O Object)
(located ?O ?X))))) |
Cars.kif 368-376 |
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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |